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Published February 14, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Across the Spectrum of Socioeconomics Issue 3

  • 1. International Socioeconomics Laboratory


Dear reader,

Modern society suffers no shortage of issues, whether they came about as a result of the ongoing pandemic or have been deep-rooted within the fibers of our civilization. Rightfully so, there has been much attention drawn to the issues that pertain to the fields of medicine and biology, however the same cannot be said for a field such as socioeconomics.

How often do you see journals or publications on the topic of socioeconomics? The answer, I presume, is not often. The field, despite its widespread application and importance, is highly overlooked. Most researchers are able to find a way to address these issues on their own; social issues and economic issues. However, when the bridge is drawn between the two, to many, the field remains relatively unexplored.

The longer these socioeconomic issues remain rooted in society, the worse the implications. As it covers such a vast audience, any delays in attempting to address the issues becomes detrimental. Our markets, our businesses, and our people are all susceptible to adversity. In spite of this, however, there have been recent efforts made to tackle the field of socioeconomics in order to present plausible solutions.

Enter the International Socioeconomics Laboratory (ISL).

As many of us turn a new leaf in 2021, we cannot afford to let society’s issues escape our minds. Throughout the three publications of our journal Across the Spectrum of Socioeconomics, ISL has conducted extensive research regarding many of the prevalent socioeconomic issues that exist and have used their findings to draw sufficient conclusions and create incentives for the proper policies to be implemented. Within the field of socioeconomics, the journal you are about to read focuses on four major topics; health, education, equality, and community.

Within this journal you will find eight papers, some of which are on the following, but are not limited to: the Australian retirement plan, current corporate monopolies, online learning, and mental health crisis.

As we continue to grow and develop our network of researchers, we will continue to bring light to the bridge between the fields of social science and economics in order to foster a society of individuals to go beyond passive activism and make tangible change to build a sustainable future; that, is the beauty, of the field of socioeconomics.

We shall continue to provide you with extensive, non-partisan research for your benefit and the betterment of society.


Afran Ahmed

  Vice President, Across the Spectrum of Socioeconomics


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