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Published February 12, 2021 | Version 1.1
Other Open

Expansion of natural gas infrastructure: a bridge technology or a liability for the energy transition? (Version 1.1, English)


Published as Diskussionsbeiträge der Scientists for Future 6 (2): 1–11. This is version 1.1 (English, published 12. Feb. 2021). Version 1.0 is an earlier German version (published 28. Jan. 2021 under doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4536573).

SUMMARY: Natural gas can no longer be considered a bridge technology to a fossil-free future. The assumption that natural gas is more favorable than coal as an energy source with regards to its climate impact must be revised. The planned expansion of natural gas infrastructure in Germany is not justifiable in terms of climate policy, not compatible with Germany’s goals to meet the Paris climate accord, and even entails numerous financial risks. Moreover, it will delay the planned energy transition.


Volume 6 (2) of "Diskussionsbeiträge der Scientists for Future". This is the English translation of the version 1.0, "Ausbau der Erdgas-Infrastruktur: Brückentechnologie oder Risiko für die Energiewende? (Version 1.0, Deutsch)",


Diskussionsbeitraege S4F 6 - 2021 - Natural Gas -Version 1.1-en.pdf

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