Published December 1, 2020 | Version v1
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« Pas que des pions (πεσσοί) : jeux de nombres et de dés autour de la pséphomancie », in D. Bouvier and V. Dasen (eds), Héraclite : Le temps est un enfant qui joue, Collection Jeu/ Play/Spiel 1, Liège, Presses Universitaires de Liège, 2020, p. 195-206.


Heraclitus (Fr. 52 D.-K.) asserts that Time is a child playing a game moving
pawns (pessoi). If we can ascertain that this infant masters such board-games, we might also legitimately ask if he was also involved in some divinatory practice such as psephomancy founded on the predictive value of numbers. Many extant Greek papyri and medieval handbooks attest the flowering of prognostics drawn from symbolical, ominous numerical systems. This sheds light on specific issues of Heraclitean idea of Time without forgetting the close connection between Greek letters employed as numerical signs and pawns-games.



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European Commission
Locus Ludi – Locus Ludi: The Cultural Fabric of Play and Games in Classical Antiquity 741520