Published February 10, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Individual votes of two SNSF funding Calls

  • 1. Swiss National Science Foundation


This .xlsx file contains the individual votes attributed by different voters (in columns) to the research proposals (in rows) submitted to two SNSF funding calls (Postdoc.Mobility and Project Funding). The data for the different funding instruments, disciplines and sections is differentiated by distinct excel tabs.

More specifically the first five sheets belong to the evaluation of a call for a fellowship grant called Postdoc.Mobility (PM): pm_stem, pm_lsm, pm_lsb, pm_hsss, pm_hssh. "stem" is the STEM panel, "lsm" is the Medicine panel, "lsb" is the Biology panle, "hsss" is the Social Sciences panel and "hssh" is the Humanities panel. Then, the next four sheets include the votes of four different panels / sections for a call in project funding with applications from the MINT (mathematics, natural and engineering sciences).  The "mint_" sheets additionnally have a column with funding information (Fund, 1 = yes, 0 = no).

The grading was done on a six-point scale: A, AB, B, BC, C, D where A is the highest. Empty cells mean that the voter did not cast a vote for that particular proposal. They might for example have had a conflict of interest.  

The data is used in a scientific publication ( as well as the associated Reproducible Online Supplement: The online supplement shows how to directly read in the data into R. 




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