A Study of Role of Digital Banking in Indian Banking System during Covid-19 Lockdown Period
With the widespread of Covid 19 across the world, it has negative impact on various industries like retail, manufacturing, tourism, education, international trade and banking operations due to lockdown and restrictions. Since the vaccine for Covid 19 has still not developed , there is still uncertainty when the economic activities will start increasing again and the world economies back to new normal. On the other hand, digital banking and fintech companies have shown the positive growth with the introduction of new digital offerings to the customer. Indian banking system has emerged with the bank staff as a corona warrior by keeping their retail branches open with the partial staff strength and digital modes of payment through on line and video interactions. This particular paper focus the various initiatives taken by the Government, Banks, Fintech companies and regulators to bring infrastructure changes that helped the Indian economy to easily leveraged to conquer the quick problems created by the pandemic and timely control the damage.
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