A spatial dataset of soil physical properties in Japanese forest
- 1. Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
The dataset is used for setting parameters of Biome-BGC model in the paper currently accepted in the journal PLOS ONE entitled: "Estimating spatial variation in the effects of climate change on the net primary production of Japanese cedar plantations based on modeled carbon dynamics" (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0247165). The dataset consists of soil thickness and van Genuchten parameters (θr, θs, alpha and n) at A and B soil horizons at approximately 1 km resolution in Japanese forest. The detailed description of the dataset is shown in the paper.
Column name conversion is as follows:
Lat = centroid latitude of third-mesh order (degree, JGD2011)
Lon = centroid longitude of third-mesh order (degree, JGD2011)
Jp_mesh_code = code of third-mesh order (the Japanese regional grid square system, JIS X 0410)
Thickness_A = soil thickness at A horizon (cm)
theta_r_A = θr at A horizon (m3 m-3)
theta_s_A = θs at A horizon (m3 m-3)
alpha_A = alpha at A horizon (cm-1)
n_A = n at A horizon
Thickness_B = soil thickness at B horizon (cm)
theta_r_B = θr at B horizon (m3 m-3)
theta_s_B = θs at B horizon (m3 m-3)
alpha_B = alpha at B horizon (cm-1)
n_B = n at B horizon
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- Journal article: 10.1371/journal.pone.0247165 (DOI)