Published February 1, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

The ISOBEL Sound Field Dataset


The ISOBEL Sound Field Dataset provides raw measurements and estimated impulse responses (IRs) measured for static sound sources in grid-structured positions covering entire rooms in the horizontal plane. In particular, a total of 23,174 IRs (and similar number of raw measurements) are acquired using two different source positions in four rooms. In addition, the dataset contains 276 measurements specifically for estimation of reverberation time in the rooms. The rooms are chosen such that significantly different acoustic properties and variation in size are represented. Further details about the rooms are described in measurement reports attached to the dataset.

The sound field measurements use a 32 by 32 grid with sample points distributed uniformly along the length and width of each room. This gives a total of 1024 positions in each room, but in some rooms it is not possible to measure all positions in the grid due to e.g. obstacles. These 32x32 horizontal grids are measured at four different heights above the floor: 1, 1.3, 1.6, and 1.9 meters. Two 10 inch loudspeakers are placed on the floor in each room, one in a corner and one in an arbitrary position. The loudspeakers are kept in the same position, while the microphones are moved around the room to record IRs.
In addition to the sound field measurements, reverberation time measurements are also included with the dataset. These measurements are performed in conformity with ISO 3382-2, and includes a Brüel & Kjær OmniSource in addition to the 10 inch custom made loudspeaker. 
Further details about the measurement setup and procedure are described in measurement reports attached to the dataset.

The IRs and raw measurements are provided as .mat files and are of type double. The sampling rate is 48 kHz. The folders in the dataset follow this structure: Room -> IRs/Reverb -> (Source position) -> Height. The sound field measurements are named according to their microphone position in the grid, e.g. idxX_5_idxY_10.mat. The reverberation time measurements are named from their source type and microphone position, e.g. OmniPos_1_micPos_3.mat. Further details about the measurements in each room are described in measurement reports attached to the dataset.

The Interactive Sound Zones for Better Living (ISOBEL) project is a Grand Solutions project supported in part by the Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD) under File No. 9069-00038A. The aim of ISOBEL is to develop interactive sound zone systems, responding to the need for sound exposure control in dynamic real-world contexts, adapted to and tested in healthcare and homes.

Please cite the following publication if you use the ISOBEL Sound Field Dataset:
[1] Kristoffersen, M. S., Møller, M. B., Martínez-Nuevo, P., Østergaard, J. (2021). "Deep Sound Field Reconstruction in Real Rooms: Introducing the ISOBEL Sound Field Dataset," arXiv:2102.06455 [cs.SD].

For references directly to the dataset, please include the following link:

Please also consider citing the following paper if you use the measurements from Room B:
[2] Lluís, F., Martínez-Nuevo, P., Møller, M. B., Shepstone, S. E. (2020). “Sound Field Reconstruction in Rooms: Inpainting Meets Super-Resolution,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 148(2), 649–659.


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