Published February 3, 2021 | Version v2
Project deliverable Open

State of Open Access Procedures at Research Infrastructures



The COVID-19 emergency has challenged facilities in an unprecedented way, affecting their operations, performance and procedures. An overview of these disruptions and the measures put in place by RIs to cope with the COVID-19 outbreak were collected and published, to allow facilities to share best practices in front of this serious challenge. A summary of the most relevant findings is included in this document. Research Infrastructures (RIs) were forced to speed up and apply remote access extensively, raising a series of issues partly due to the lack of technologies and dedicated funds to support it. ACCELERATE partners have the possibility to consider the experience of these facilities for developing or improving their policies and procedures, including the most recent developments as remote access and data issues.

The information collected about facilities procedures for open access, in very different formats (interviews, emails, policies, etc.) has been summarised in a table (Annex II) to improve the readability and allow for a better comparison of the different access policies and solutions adopted by the RIs involved. In the same way, the surveys used to collect information about the COVID-19 related services implemented by facilities are included as annexes III, IV and IV.


ACCELERATE Deliverable2.1 State of Open Access Procedures at Research Infrastructures.pdf

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European Commission
ACCELERATE – ACCELERATing Europe's Leading Research Infrastructures 731112