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Published February 1, 2021 | Version 2.0.0
Dataset Open

Robot@Home, a robotic dataset for semantic mapping of home environments

  • 1. Universitiy of Málaga
  • 2. University of Málaga


The Robot-at-Home dataset (Robot@Home, paper here) is a collection of raw and processed data from five domestic settings compiled by a mobile robot equipped with 4 RGB-D cameras and a 2D laser scanner. Its main purpose is to serve as a testbed for semantic mapping algorithms through the categorization of objects and/or rooms.

This dataset is unique in three aspects:

  • The provided data were captured with a rig of 4 RGB-D sensors with an overall field of view of 180°H. and 58°V., and with a 2D laser scanner.
  • It comprises diverse and numerous data: sequences of RGB-D images and laser scans from the rooms of five apartments (87,000+ observations were collected), topological information about the connectivity of these rooms, and 3D reconstructions and 2D geometric maps of the visited rooms.
  • The provided ground truth is dense, including per-point annotations of the categories of the objects and rooms appearing in the reconstructed scenarios, and per-pixel annotations of each RGB-D image within the recorded sequences

During the data collection, a total of 36 rooms were completely inspected, so the dataset is rich in contextual information of objects and rooms. This is a valuable feature, missing in most of the state-of-the-art datasets, which can be exploited by, for instance, semantic mapping systems that leverage relationships like pillows are usually on beds or ovens are not in bathrooms.

Version history
v1.0.1 Fixed minor bugs.
v1.0.2  Fixed some inconsistencies in some directory names. Fixes were necessary to automate the generation of the next version.
v2.0.0 SQL based dataset. Robot@Home v1.0.2 has been packed into a sqlite database along with RGB-D and scene files which have been assembled into a hierarchical structured directory free of redundancies. Path tables are also provided to reference files in both v1.0.2 and v2.0.0 directory hierarchies. This version has been automatically generated from version 1.0.2 through the Robot@Home API


This work was supported by the Spanish projects "IRO: Improvement of the sensorial and autonomous capability of robots through olfaction" (2012-TEP-530), "PROMOVE: Advances in mobile robotics for promoting independent life of elders" (DPI2014-55826-R), and "WISER: Building and exploiting semantic maps by mobile robots" (DPI2017-84827-R), the European project "MoveCare: Multiple-actors virtual empathic caregiver for the elder" (Call: H2020-ICT-2016-1, contract number: 732158) and by a postdoc contract from the I-PPIT from the University of Malaga.


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MoveCare – Multiple-actOrs Virtual Empathic CARgiver for the Elder 732158
European Commission


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