Development of the logistics system of the economic region "polissya" in the context of the green economy: ecological problems and perspectives
- 1. National aviation university
- 2. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Modern business conditions require the implementation of the financial support mechanism for the transformation of transport and logistics systems using non-traditional sources of funding, including "green" investments. The key instruments of "green" financing for transport infrastructure modernization, which are effectively used in different countries, include: "green" bonds, "green" loans, grants, guarantees, technical assistance, money of "green" investment funds.
This paper is devoted to the analyzes of the dynamics of environmental indicators of the regional logistics system taking as an example the economic region "Polissya". On this basis, modern environmental problems of the district's logistics system have been identified. An analysis of the development of world markets for "green" bonds, "green" loans and sustainable investment assets is made. Peculiarities and characteristic features of "green" financing instruments for the development of logistics systems of different levels are considered. As a result of the research it is established that in the Ukrainian realities it is expedient to apply the advanced international experience of realization of the "green" financing of infrastructure projects mechanism in economic areas. This will successfully transform regional logistics systems in the context of the green economy and achieve sustainable development of transport infrastructure.
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