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Published February 3, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Amazon and Atlantic Forest image datasets for semantic segmentation

  • 1. Federal University of Fronteira Sul


This database contains images from Amazon and Atlantic Forest brazilian biomes used for training a fully convolutional neural network for the semantic segmentation of forested areas in images from the Sentinel-2 Level 2A Satellite.

The images refer to the composition of bands 4, 3, 2 and 8. Each band was converted to a byte type (0-255).

The images are still divided into three main sets: training, validation and testing:

  1. Training dataset: it contains 499 and 485 GeoTIFF images (Amazon and Atlantic Forest, respectively) with 512x512 pixels and associated PNG masks (forest indicated in white and background in black color).
  2. Validation dataset: it contains 100 GeoTIFF images for each biome with 512x512 pixels and associated PNG masks used for validation step.
  3. Test dataset: it contains 20 GeoTIFF images for each biome with 512x512 pixels for testing.


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