Published February 3, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Phyllodoce bipapillosa Oliveira & Magalhães & Lana 2021, sp. nov.


Phyllodoce bipapillosa sp. nov. 114C51DB-AE97-4BAE-AAD3-0DD3D50D2D22

Figures 6–7

Holotype. Margin of continental shelf in Campos Basin, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Hab 17 I03 R1, 21º23’38.0”S 40º15’37.1” W, 88 m, 21 Jul 2009 (ZUEC–POL 16338).

Paratypes. A total of 11 incomplete paratypes, length 69.6 ± 41.7 mm for 11.9 ± 9.9 segments. REVIZEE/ Score Sul. 6811, 29º14.6’S 47º50.6’W, 506 m, 22 Mar 1998 (1 paratype, ZUEC–POL 16321). Continental shelf in Campos Basin: Hab 11 C03 R3, 22º46’54.8”S 41º3’33.6”W, 78 m, 22 Feb 2009 (1 paratype, ZUEC–POL 16362); Hab 11 A01 R3, 23º55’7.5”S 43º0’49.2”W, 29 m, 28 Feb 2009 (1 paratype, ZUEC–POL 16589); Hab 16 F04 R3, 22º12’37.7”S 40º13’19.0”W, 100 m, 5 May 2009 (1 paratype, NHMD–865957); Hab 16 B04 R3, 23º10’5.0”S 41º3’7.563”W, 107 m, 2 Jul 2009 (1 paratype, NHMD–865959); Hab 16 G04 R1, 22º3’45.3”S 40º9’59.1”W, 76 m, 6 Jul 2009 (1 paratype, ZUEC 16346); Hab 17 A02 R3, 22º56’3.9”S 41º53’50.5”W, 49 m, 15 Jul 2009 (1 paratype, ZUEC–POL 16350); Hab 17 A01 R1, 22º55’8.3”S 41º0’50.1”W, 29 m, 15 Jul 2009 (1 paratype, ZUEC–POL 16354); Hab 17 Foz 34 R1, 22º1’22.6”S 40º20’13.4”W, 60 m, 24 Jul 2009 (2 paratypes, NHMD–865958), Brazil.

Diagnosis. Prostomium cordiform with well-outlined posterior edges. Proboscis basally with two types of papillae: conical papillae more anteriorly and rounded papillae posteriorly.Anterior dorsal cirri cordiform, longer than wide and posteriorly sub-rectangular, with rounded edges; ventral cirri posteriorly elongated.

Description. Holotype incomplete, 15 mm long, 2.0 mm wide at median part of body, including parapodia and excluding chaetae for 91 segments. Body long, dorso-ventrally flattened and tapered posteriorly. Prostomium cordiform with well-delineated posterior edges, longer than wide, with anterior protuberance and deep posterior incision with a nuchal papilla (Fig. 6A). Paired, frontal antennae and palps conical, long and of similar lengths. Antennae and palps with 1/4 of prostomial length. A pair of epidermal, brown eyes with lenses. Proboscis basally with conical papillae anteriorly and rounded papillae irregularly distributed posteriorly. Distal region with six longitudinal rows of prominent tubercles (Fig. 6 B–C). Terminal ring with 18 rounded papillae. Segment 1 not visible dorsally. Four pairs of cylindrical tentacular cirri, biarticulated, with short cirrophores and long cirrostyles, situated on first three segments. Tentacular cirri of segment 1 reaching segment 7. Dorsal and ventral tentacular cirri of segment 2 reaching segments 12 and 4, respectively. Dorsal tentacular cirri of segment 3, reaching segment 9. Neuropodia and ventral cirri from segment 3. Dorsal cirri with well-developed cirrophores from segment 4 and with dorsal extensions on median and posterior parapodia. Dorsal cirri asymmetrical, cordiform and longer than wide anteriorly, sub-rectangular with rounded edges on median and posterior segments. Parapodial lobes shorter than dorsal and ventral cirri, with light-brown aciculae and bundles of chaetae. Prechaetal lobes bilobate, asymmetrical and rounded, supracicular ramus twice the length of subaciculars. Ventral cirri asymmetrical and horizontally oriented in relation to lobes, dorso-ventrally flattened and beginning from segment 3. Ventral cirri rounded anteriorly with tapered distal ends, medially elongated and slender with tapered distal ends and posteriorly elongated and more robust than medial ones (Fig. 6 D–F). Compound spinigerous chaetae uniform and from segment 3. Rostrum of chaetal shaft surrounded by irregularly distributed conical denticles; articles with serrated outer edges (Fig. 7 A–B). Conical pygidium with one pair of cylindrical and slender anal cirri observed in the paratype (Fig. 7C).

Colour. Preserved specimens with iridescent brown pigmentation, darker in the inter–segmental median-dorsal region forming a distinct midline along the body (Fig. 6 A–C).

Habitat. Sandy substrates from 13 to 141 m.

Geographical distribution. Atlantic Ocean, Brazil: Margin of continental slope in Campos Basin, southeastern continental shelf.

Etymology. The name of this species is derived from the Latin words bi (two) and papillosa (papilla), meaning two types of papillae. The name refers to the two shapes of papillae (rounded and conical) present in the proximal part of the proboscis.

Remarks. Phyllodoce bipapillosa sp. nov. differs from Phyllodoce lineata (Claparède, 1870) and P. tamoya sp. nov. in the shape of the dorsal cirri (cordiform and slender anteriorly, sub-rectangular with rounded edges medially and posteriorly in P. bipapillosa sp. nov.) and in the morphology of the papillae from the proximal part of the proboscis (anteriorly conical and posteriorly rounded in P. bipapillosa sp. nov.) (Pleijel 1993b; Viéitez et al. 2004; Blake & Walton 1977). Phyllodoce bipapillosa sp. nov., differs from P. concava sp. nov., P. lamella sp. nov., P. ovalis sp. nov., and Phyllodoce sp. B. by the presence of eyes. Phyllodoce bipapillosa sp. nov. and P. tupana sp. nov. have 18 papillae in the proboscidial terminal ring and dorsal cirri from median segments sub-rectangular but they differ especially in the morphology of the dorsal cirri and pygidial cirri, which are cylindrical and slender in P. bipapillosa sp. nov. and cylindrical with inflated bases in P. tupana sp. nov. Phyllodoce bipapillosa sp. nov. differs from Phyllodoce groenlandica Örsted, 1943 in the sharper asymmetry of the parapodial lobes, number of rows of papillae in the proboscis, and morphology of the ventral cirri. It also differs from P. tupana sp. nov. and P. tamoya sp. nov. by the cordiform cirri that are longer than wide and from Phyllodoce medipapillata Moore, 1909 because the latter presents dorsal foliaceous cirri and clavate anal cirri.


Published as part of Oliveira, Verônica Maria De, Magalhães, Wagner F. & Lana, Paulo Da Cunha, 2021, Ten new species of Phyllodoce Lamarck, 1818 (Phyllodocidae, Annelida) from Brazil, pp. 1-61 in Zootaxa 4924 (1) on pages 10-11, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4924.1.1,


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  • Claparede, E. (1870) Les Annelides Chetopodes du Golfe de Naples. Supplement. Memoires de la Societe de physique et d'histoire naturelle de Geneve, 20 (2), 365 - 542. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 2142
  • Pleijel, F. (1993 b) Phylogeny of Phyllodoce (Polychaeta, Pyllodocidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 108, 287 - 299. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1096 - 3642.1993. tb 00300. x
  • Vieitez, J. M., Alos, C., Parapar, J., Besteiro, C., Moreira, J., Nunez, J., Laborda, A. J. & Martin, G. S. (2004) Fauna Iberica: Annelida Polychaeta I. Museu Nacional de Ciencias Naturais, 25, 1 - 530.
  • Blake, J. A. & Walton, C. P. (1977) New species and records of Polychaeta from the Gulf of the Farallones, California. In: Reish, D. J. & Fauchald, K. (Eds.), Essays on Polychaetous Annelids in Memory of Dr. Olga Hartman. The Allan Hancock Foundation, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, pp, 307 - 321.
  • Moore, J. P. (1909) Polychaetous annelids from Monterey Bay and San Diego, California. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 61, 235 - 295.