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Published February 2, 2021 | Version 0.1.00
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MatMRI: A GPU enabled package for model based MRI image reconstruction

  • 1. University of Western Ontario


MatMRI is a package for MRI image reconstruction using only core or toolbox MATLAB® functions (i.e., no mex files or pre-compiled binaries). This philosophy is used to enable easy integration with built-in MATLAB® GPU functionality, and to minimize dependencies. It currently supports:

  • non-Cartesian regridding
  • iterative SENSE (Cartesian or non-Cartesian)
  • iterative SENSE for higher order models that may include:
    • an off-resonance map
    • time varying spherical harmonics of phase accrual

Also see


Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), RGPIN-2018-05448


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  • Baron CA, Dwork N, Pauly JM, Nishimura DG. Rapid compressed sensing reconstruction of 3D non-Cartesian MRI. Magn. Reson. Med. 2018;79:2685–2692
  • Wilm BJ, Barmet C, Pruessmann KP. Fast higher-order MR image reconstruction using singular-vector separation. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2012 Jul;31(7):1396-403. doi: 10.1109/TMI.2012.2190991. Epub 2012 Mar 14. Erratum in: IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2012 Sep;31(9):1833