Detecting Fake News using Machine Learning: A Systematic Literature Review
- 1. School of Accounting, Jiujiang University, Jiujiang, Jiangxi, CHINA
- 2. Department of Computer Science, University of Central Asia, 310 Lenin Street, 722918 Naryn, KYRGYZSTAN
- 3. Enterprise Architect, Information Technology, UST-Global, Inc., Ohio, USA
- 4. Monta Vista High School, 21840 McClellan Rd, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA
Internet is one of the important inventions and a large number of persons are its users. These persons use this for different purposes. There are different social media platforms that are accessible to these users. Any user can make a post or spread the news through these online platforms. These platforms do not verify the users or their posts. So some of the users try to spread fake news through these platforms. This fake news can be propaganda against an individual, society, organization, or political party. A human being is unable to detect all this fake news. So there is a need for machine learning classifiers that can detect this fake news automatically. The use of machine learning classifiers for detecting fake news is described in this systematic literature review.
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