Η εορτή της Υπαπαντής κατά την Πατερική Γραμματεία των τριών πρώτων αιώνων
A very important issue in the research of feasts is the effort to find the necessary sources that lead to the understanding of the reasons why Church, as an administration and as a functional body, decides and ultimately favors the formation of a feast, either despotic or theological. In the present study, an attempt is made to investigate, not so much the reasons, but the preliminary stages that led to the final formation of the feast of Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, in the 4th century, starting from the Patristic texts of the first three centuries, although that the relevant reports are from minimal to negligible. And the whole issue concerns a feast that has its origin in the old Jewish ritual, which the presence of Christ renews, delivering it renewed in the current worship practice of the church.
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