Published December 25, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Evaluation of the Quality of the Standard (F 161) "Distance Formation" in the National Reference for Quality Assurance in Algeria

  • 1. Department of Management, University of Adrar, Algeria
  • 2. Department of Management, High School of Commerce El Koléa Tipaza, Algeria
  • 3. Deparment of Finance and Accounting, University of Tlemcen, Algeria


This study aims to evaluate the quality of the standard (F161) in the field of formation with the National Quality Assurance Reference on Remote formation at the University of Adrar according to reports issued by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell in Algerian Higher Education Institutions, This is in accordance with the study of the year 2018 through an applied study of the university of adrar to identify the impact of applying the requirement of the national reference to increase the quality of the field of distance formation at the university of Adrar, by identifying the most important actors in the field of quality assurance of higher education in Algeria and based on quality assurance standards contained in the new national to ensure internal quality in Algerian higher quality education institutions. The study found that the evaluation of the distance formation criterion was less than average, The study also found that faculty members are able to diversify the formation patterns to establish the principles of quality culture and to keep pace with the development of the means of communication in higher education, The results of the self-evaluation of 2018 also indicated the need to activate the bodies and committees stipulated by the national quality assurance authority, which would implement the adrar university strategy in the field of formation.


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