Published January 27, 2021 | Version 1.1.1
Software Open


  • 1. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of German Studies and Linguistics, Berlin, Germany


Pepper modules for the SIL Toolbox interlinear text format

General information

Pepper is a conversion framework for linguistic data. pepperModules-ToolboxTextModules is a plugin for Pepper and provides an importer and exporter for the Toolbox Interlinear Text Format, i.e., the text-based export format from SIL Toolbox. The format is used frequently for persisting language documentation data. For examples of Toolbox interlinear text files, see for example this directory in the GitHub repository teropa/nlp.

With the pepperModules-ToolboxTextModules, the data stored in Toolbox interlinear text files can be transferred to another format. This way, the data can be re-used for other purposes (such as adding different annotation types), or visualized and analyzed, e.g., in ANNIS, a search and visualization platform for linguistic data. For a list of available format converters for Pepper, see the list of known Pepper modules.

Note that there is also a Pepper module for the Toolbox XML format which is not related to this project.


The development of pepperModules-ToolboxTextModules has been initiated in the MelaTAMP research project.


pepperModules-ToolboxTextModules requires at Pepper >= 3.1.1-SNAPSHOT, as it relies on default property values which have been introduced in this version. A kickstarter (i.e., standalone) version of Pepper including the correct version can be obtained from the snapshot releases repository for Pepper: This is the earliest version of Pepper including the required functionalities for pepperModules-ToolboxTextModules, newer versions will do just as well.


  • Download (or newer) and extract it to a directory of your choice

  • Download the latest pepperModules-ToolboxTextModules zip and extract it to a directory of your choice

  • Add the path to the directory containing pepperModules-ToolboxTextModules-1.0.0.jar to the Pepper configuration file:

    • Open {Pepper directory}/pepper/conf/

    • Remove the comment hash (#) from the line #pepper.dropin.paths= and add the path

  • Start Pepper with the respective command ( on Linux/Mac, pepperStart.bat on Win)

  • Check that the Toolbox text modules have been resolved by displaying the list of available modules in Pepper with the l command

  • Start a conversion. You can use the interactive wizard (c), or run a pre-defined workflow (c {path to workflow file}).

Pepper workflow file

Pepper conversions are defined in Pepper workflow files, see the Pepper User Guide.

The available properties for the Toolbox Text Modules are detailed in the following sections.


Requirements, assumptions, behaviour

Pre-existing meta annotations for ids

During conversion, when the importer encounters a pre-existing meta annotation on an id, it will overwrite the value of this annotation. This is highly unlikely to happen, unless the source file has been manually edited and the duplicate meta annotation introduced in the process.


Note that required values with a default value do not have to be specified in the workflow file when the default value should be used.

  • fileExtensions (String) (required): The file extensions that corpus files can have as a comma-separated list.

    Default value: txt

  • idMarker (String): The Toolbox marker that precedes lines with IDs, without the preceding backslash.

    Default value: id

  • refMarker (String) (required): The marker used for references, i.e., usually "ref" or "id".

    Default value: ref

  • lexicalMarker (String) (required): The Toolbox marker that precedes lines with source text (usually "words") without the preceding backslash.

    Default value: tx

  • morphologyMarker (String): The Toolbox marker that precedes lines with morphological information, without the preceding backslash.

    Default value: mb

  • lexAnnotationMarkers (String): All Toolbox markers which precede lines with annotations of source text segments (usually "words"), without the preceding backslashes, and as a comma-separated list.

  • morphologyAnnotationMarkers (String): All Toolbox markers which precede lines with annotations of morphemes, without the preceding backslashes, and as a comma-separated list.

    Default value: ge,ps

  • attachDelimiter (String): Whether detached morphology delimiters (as in "item

  • item" or similar) should be attached to the previous or subsequent item, as a two-item comma-separated list, where the first item signifies whether the delimiter should be attached at all (if true it will be attached), and the second item signifies whether the delimiter should be attached to the subsequent item (if true it will be attached to the subsequent item, making the latter a suffix).

    Default value: true,true

  • morphemeDelimiters (String): The morpheme delimiters used in the Toolbox files as a comma-separated two-point list where the first element is the affix delimiter, and the second element is the clitics delimiter.

Default value: -,=

  • liaisonDelimiter (String): The morpheme delimiter used in the Toolbox files to mark "words" represented on the morphological layer that are contracted into words on the lexical layer, e.g., Saliba tane = ta wane. This delimiter can be used for cases where the importer may otherwise not have enough information to figure out that the lexical word should contain the "morphological word".

    It will be dropped after parsing and will not show up in either the Salt model or any further model transformations.

    The marker is only picked up when used to suffix the second to nth word, i.e. for the Saliba example above, ta _wane (property default is the underscore _) will be mapped as two items on the morphological layer which are ruled by one item on the lexical layer:

      lex: | tane      |
    morph: | ta | wane |

    Default value: _

  • subrefDefinitionMarker (String): The marker used to define subrefs.

    Default value: subref

  • subrefAnnotationMarkers (String): The marker which precedes lines with annotations that can potentially span subranges of the complete morphological data source. For details about subrefs see the respective MelaTAMP wiki page.

  • mergeDuplMarkers (Boolean) (required): Whether lines with the same marker in the same block should be merged into one line.

    true: Subsequent lines marked with {marker} are concatenated to the first line marked with {marker}.

    false: All lines but the first line marked with {marker} are dropped.

    Default value: true

  • recordErrors (Boolean) (required): Whether the importer should record errors.

    true (default): Errors in the data model will be recorded, i.e., annotations on an error layer (called err) will be added for each line which seems to contain an error. Additionally, another annotation will be added to discrete layers, recording the original faulty line.

    false: Errors will not be recorded.

    Default value: true

  • normalizeMarkers (Boolean) (required): Whether annotation namespace-name combinations for the default layers should be normalized to Toolbox standards (after the default values for refs, subrefs, lexical and morphological markers).

    Default value: false

  • normalizeDocNames (Boolean) (required): Whether special characters and whitespaces in document names should be replaced with default characters.

    Default value: true

  • fixInterl11n (Boolean) (required): Whether the importer should fix interlinearization.

    true (default): Interlinearization error in the data model will be fixed as follows.

    < >

    For discrepancies between the number of lexical and morphological tokens, morphological tokens will either be added to until their number is equal to that of lexical tokens (using the property missingAnnoString), or all tokens at indices > index of the last lexical token will be dropped.

    For discrepancies between the number of tokens and their annotations as defined by lexAnnotationMarkers and morphologyAnnotationMarkers, annotations will either be added to until their number is equal to that of the token layer they refer to, or all tokens at indices > index of last token they refer to will be dropped.

    missingAnnoString (String) (required): A String used to fill interlinearization gaps.

    Default value: ***


Requirements, assumptions, behaviour

Data source sequences

The exporter works on a single data source sequence only, which is acquired for an id during conversion via sDocumentGraph.getOverlappedDataSourceSequence(idSpan, SALT_TYPE.STEXT_OVERLAPPING_RELATION).get(0).

This is due to the fact that the definitive data source in Toolbox is the single source text, i.e., the string of lexical tokens.


The Salt model must contain the following SLayers that are picked up by the properties idSpanLayer, refSpanLayer, txTokenLayer, and mbTokenLayer respectively:

  • A layer containing spans annotated with id-scope annotations

  • A layer containing spans annotated with id-scope annotations

  • A layer containing lexical tokens

  • A layer containing morphological tokens

The names for these layers must be unique, i.e., the model must contain exactly one SLayer with that name.


Note that required values with a default value do not have to be specified in the workflow file when the default value should be used.

  • idSpanLayer (String) (required): The Salt layer that contains the spans to be mapped to Toolbox ids.

    Default value: id

  • refSpanLayer (String) (required): The Salt layer that contains the spans to be mapped to Toolbox refs.

    Default value: ref

  • txTokenLayer (String) (required): The Salt layer that contains the tokens to be mapped to Toolbox' tx lines.

    Default value: tx

  • mbTokenLayer (String): The Salt layer that contains the tokens to be mapped to Toolbox' mb lines.

    Default value: mb

  • idIdentifierAnnotation (String) (required): The annotation (namespace::name) that contains the identifiers of ids.

  • refIdentifierAnnotation (String) (required): The annotation (namespace::name) that contains the identifiers of refs.

  • txMaterialAnnotations (String): Comma-separated list of annotations which contain primary data, i.e., lexical material which will already be mapped to tokens but still exists as annotation and should thus be left out during export to annotations (as they will already be mapped to \tx).

  • mbMaterialAnnotations (String): Comma-separated list of annotations which contain primary data, i.e., morphological material which will already be mapped to tokens but still exists as annotation and should thus be left out during export to annotations (as they will already be mapped to \mb).

  • spaceReplacement (String) (required): String to replace whitespaces in annotation values with, as these whitespaces may break the item count in Toolbox interlinearization.

    Default value: -

  • mdfMap (String): A map whose keys are annotations with the pattern namespace::name, and whose values are MDF markers.

    In the export process, the value for the defined {@link SAnnotation} will be mapped to the line marked with the respective MDF pattern.

    < >

    Example: morph::gloss:ge will map an annotation morph::gloss:myglossvalue to \ge myglossvalue.

    customMarkers (String): A map whose keys are annotations with the pattern namespace::name, and whose values are custom markers supplementing the existing MDF markers.

    In the export process, the value for the defined {@link SAnnotation} will be mapped to the line marked with the respective MDF pattern.


Contributions are welcome! When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via a new issue before making a change.


An overview of contributors to this project can be found here.


Copyright (c) 2016ff. Stephan Druskat.
Exploitation rights belong exclusively to Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.



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