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Published June 28, 2019 | Version Final
Conference paper Open

A cross-sectorial synergies identification methodology for industrial symbiosis

  • 1. University of Lyon 3, CRGA-EVS, UMR 5600, Lyon, France
  • 2. Strane Innovation, Gif sur Yvette, France


Circular Economy is the model the European Union opted for to make its production and consumption system more sustainable. Industrial symbiosis is one of its operational implementation strategies. This concept aims at redesigning industries supply chains by creating new interconnections between traditionally independent chains, new sources of raw materials and new market opportunities
for wasted resources. This paper introduces an innovative methodology, developed within the SCALER project that aims at  facilitating substitution synergies identification between cross-sectorial supply chains. Synergy ideas are automatically generated thanks to dedicated algorithms performing matching queries on input and output data of 17 industrial sectors. Data is generic and collected from publicly available sources. The methodology’s deductive approach has the benefit of proposing relevant synergy ideas for industries without asking confidential operating data. 1000 relevant synergies were already identified. Development
perspectives are to reinforce the methodology with additional technical datasets such as treatment technologies, geolocated facilities databases, European economic activity/waste codes.



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SCALER – Scaling European Resources with Industrial Symbiosis 768748
European Commission


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