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Published January 19, 2021 | Version v1
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Patrera wiwa Martínez & Brescovit & Villarreal & Oliveira 2021, new species


Patrera wiwa new species

Figures 21A–G; 32

Type material. Male holotype from San Pedro Carmelo (10°52′N; 73°43′W), 1311m, Sierra Nueva Granada, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colombia, 24.IV.1975, J. A. Kochalka leg. (IBSP 213419). Paratypes: one male and one female from Sierra Nueva Granada, (10°52′N; 73°43′W), 1311m, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colombia, 24.IV.1975, J. A. Kochalka leg. (IBNP).

Other material examined. COLOMBIA, Magdalena: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Sierra Nueva Granada, San Pedro Carmelo (10°52′N; 73°43′W), 4100m, ♀ 1, 7.II.1974, J. A. Kochalka leg. (IBSP 213420).

Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition honoring to the Wiwa, one of the four Indian tribes that live on the slopes of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

Diagnosis. Males of Patrera wiwa n. sp. resemble those of P. florezi n. sp. and P. yukpa n. sp. by the similarly shaped cymbium S-shaped, long embolus, and bifid retrolateral tibial apophysis (Figs 16 C-E, 20B–D), but can be diagnosed by their short retrolateral tibial apophysis with the ventral branch shorter than the dorsal one (longer in P. florezi and almost with same length in P. yukpa), median apophysis short, slender projected retrolaterally (larger and hook-shaped in P. florezi and P. yukpa) (Fig. 21 C–E). Females can be distinguished from those of the remaining species of the genus by the long, and thin hood, large copulatory ducts, and rounded and conspicuous seminal receptacles close to the spermathecae (Fig. 21 F–G).

Description. Male (Holotype, IBSP 213419). Cephalothorax orange, with dorsal darker paramedian bands (Fig. 21A). Legs yellow, ventrally orange. Abdomen dorsally cream with dispersed spots, more agglutinated medially; ventrally white (Fig. 21A). Total length 5.8, carapace length 2.7, width 2.5. Clypeus height 0.10. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.06, ALE 0.14, PME 0.12, PLE 0.14; AME–AME 0.04, AME–ALE 0.02, PME–PME 0.14, PME–PLE 0.06, ALE–PLE 0.04. Chelicerae 1.1 long, four promarginal teeth; four retromarginal denticles. Leg measurements: leg I — femur 3.2/ patella 1.2/ tibia 3.7/ metatarsus 3.1/ tarsus 1.4/ total 12.6; II—3.1/ 1.2/ 3.4/ 3.0/ 1.3/ 12.0; III—2.22/ 0.9/ 1.8/ 2.3/ 0.8/ 8.02; IV—3.0/ 1.0/ 2.8/ 3.43/ 1.0/ 11.23. Leg spination: I—tibia v2-2-2, p1-1-1, r1-1-1, metatarsus v2-1-0, p1-1-0, r1-1-0; II—tibia v2-2-2, p1-1-1, r1-1-1, metatarsus v2-1-0, p1-1-0, r1- 1-0; III—tibia v2-2-2, p0-1-1, r1-0-1-1, metatarsus v2-2-2, p1-1-1, d-1-1, r1-1-1; IV—tibia v2-2-2, p1-1-1-1, r1-1- 1-1, metatarsus v2-2-2, p1-1-1-1, r1-1-1-1-1. Abdomen: length 3.1, epigastric furrow 0.95 from tracheal spiracle, spiracle 1.3 from base of spinnerets. Palp: retrolateral tibial apophysis bifid, long, with the ventral branch shorter than the dorsal one; cymbium shorter than tibia, with protuberant tutacular groove; subtegulum longer than wide, with conspicuous distal projection; tegulum longer than wide, with a small, sclerotized ventral tegular process under the median apophysis; median apophysis short, curved and medially situated; embolus long, apically filiform, with narrow base and basally inserted on the tegulum (Fig. 21 C–E).

Female (Paratype, IBSP 213419). Coloration as in the male, except dorsum of the abdomen with dark brown dorsal spots on medial side (Fig. 21B). Total length 8.0, carapace length 3.5, width 2.7. Clypeus height 0.14. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.06, ALE 0.14, PME 0.14, PLE 0.10; AME–AME 0.06, AME–ALE 0.06, PME–PME 0.10, PME–PLE 0.18, ALE–PLE 0.06. Chelicerae 1.3 long; four promarginal teeth; six retromarginal denticles. Leg measurements: leg I—femur 3.5/ patella 1.3/ tibia 3.62/ metatarsus 2.9/ tarsus 1.4/ total 12.72; II— 3.5/ 1.3/ 3.4/ 2.8/ 1.3/ 12.3; III—2.4/ 1.1/ 1.7/ 2.3/ 0.8/ 8.3; IV—3.0/ 1.0/ 3.0/ 3.4/ 10.4. Leg spination: I—tibia v2-2-2, p1v-1-1-0, r1v-1-10, metatarsus v2-0-0, p1-1-0, r1-1-0; II—tibia v2-2-2, p1-1-1-0, r1-1-1-0, metatarsus v2- 2-2, p1-1-0, r1-1-0; III—tibia v2-2-2, p1-1-0, r1-1-0, metatarsus v2-2-2, p1-1-1, r1-1-1; IV—tibia v2-2-2, p1-1-1-0, r1-1-1-0, metatarsus v2-2-2, p1-1-1-1-1, r1-1-1. Abdomen: length 4.5, epigastric furrow 1.0 from tracheal spiracle, spiracle 2.1 from base of spinnerets. Epigynum: hood long and thin; lateral borders sclerotized, thin, oblique; atrium long, triangular; internally with long, n-shaped copulatory ducts; seminal receptacles small, rounded, medially situated on the copulatory ducts; spermathecae small, rounded, posteriorly positioned; fertilization ducts shorter than spermathecae length (Fig. 21 F–G).

Distribution. Only known from Magdalena department (Fig. 32).


Published as part of Martínez, Leonel, Brescovit, Antonio D., Villarreal, Eduardo & Oliveira, Luiz Fernando M., 2021, An update of morphological and distributional data of the genus Patrera Simon (Araneae: Anyphaenidae: Anyphaeninae) with the description of twenty-five new species from Colombia, pp. 1-64 in Zootaxa 4914 (1) on pages 41-45, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4468383


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Additional details


Collection code
Event date
1974-02-07 , 1975-04-24
Material sample ID
IBSP 213419 , IBSP 213420
Scientific name authorship
Martínez & Brescovit & Villarreal & Oliveira
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
1974-02-07 , 1975-04-24
Taxonomic concept label
Patrera wiwa Martínez, Brescovit, Villarreal & Oliveira, 2021


  • Chickering, A. M. (1940) New Anyphaenidae from Panama with notes on known species. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, 59, 78 ‾ 122.