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Published August 24, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Tipula (Vestiplex) mediovittata Mik


Tipula (Vestiplex) mediovittata Mik

(Figs 2, 5, 11, 18, 28–38; Map 1)

Tipula mediovittata Mik, 1889: 103.

Tipula (Vestiplex) mediovittata: Savchenko, 1964: 227 (=? T. hummeli Alexander, 1936a); Oosterbroek & Theowald, 1992: 156 (synonymy with T. hummeli uncertain);

Tipula (Vestiplex) kamchatkana Alexander, 1934b: 400, syn. nov.

References: Alexander, 1935: 118; Savchenko, 1964: 175; Oosterbroek & Theowald, 1992: 155.

Type material examined. Tipula (Vestiplex) mediovittata Mik: HOLOTYPE ♀: KYRGYSTAN, Asia Kirgisien, St. (Schrenk) Mik; mediovittata Mik; Type female Tipula mediovittata Mik det. M.P. Riedel; III 21; Mannheims vid. 1949; Holotypus (NHMV).

Tipula (Vestiplex) kamchatkana Alexander: HOLOTYPE ♂: RUSSIA, Kamchatka, alpine zone of the Shiveluch Range,, Dershavin, No. 399 (ZIN). PARATYPES: 2 ♂, topotypic (USNM); 1 ♂, Volcano Kluchenvskoje, Kyrgurich, 3000–4000 ft,, Dershavin, No. 327 (ZIN); 4 ♂, topotypic, Nrs. 329, 330, 332, 333 (USNM); 1 ♂, Kluchevskoje village, June 10, 1909, Dershavin, No. 357 (ZIN); 1 ♂, Ust-Kamchatsk, 17.vii.1909, Dershavin, No. 348 (ZIN); 1 ♂, alpine zone of Solocha River, Volcano Kluchevskoje,, Dershavin, No. 403 (ZIN), antenna, wing and genitalia slide mounted (USNM); 1 ♀, Shiveluch Volcano,, Schmidt, No. 331 (ZIN); 3 ♂, topotypic, Nrs. 395, 397, 398, 1 ♀ No. 396 (ZIN); antenna, wing, leg and genitalia of paratype No. 398 on 2 slides (USNM); 1 ♀, Krutenkaja River,, Kozlovsky, No. 422, BMNH (E)#246025, Recd. in Exchange from C.P. Alexander. B.M. 1934–384 (BMNH).

Additional material examined. MONGOLIA. Arkhangay Aimag: 1 ♀, Khotont Soum, trib. of Tsagaan Sumiin / Jarantain Gol, ~ 43 km SW Khotont, N47.07888, E102.16608, 1699 m, 9–10.vii.2004, SRPT, SRP04070902; 26 ♂, 1 ♀, Chuluut Soum, ponds at Egiin Davaa ~ 47 km SW Chuluut / Jargalant, N47.21198, E99.91114, 2582 m, 16.vii.2004, A.E.Z. Short, J.K. Gelhaus, Enkhnasan, SRP04071601; 17 ♂, Chuluut Soum, Chuluutin Gol ~ 45 km SW Chuluut / Jargalant, N47.21768, E99.92824, 2471 m, 16.vii.2004, SRPT, SRP04071602. Bayan Olgii Aimag: 8 ♂, Tsengel Soum, Tsagaan Gol, 20 km W Zagast Nuur Bag, Entrance to Altai-Tavan Bogd NP, N49.09161, E88.10436, 2410 m, 9–12.vii.2008, S. Podenas, MAIS08070902; 2 ♂, Tsengel Soum, spring brook on mountain N Tsagaan Gol above Altai-Tavan Bogd NP entrance, N49.09721, E88.10415, 2515 m, 12.vii.2008, R. W. Bouchard, Jr. MAIS08071101; 1 ♂, Deluun Soum, Gantsmodi Gol 27 km S Deluun, N 47.66395, E90.71841, 2196 m, 5–6.vii.2009, S. Podenas, MAIS2009070502. Bayankhongor Aimag: 2 ♀, Erdenesogt Soum, headwaters of Shargaljuut Gol, near base of Taatsyn Davaa to Taatsyn Gol, N46.46332, E101.51730, 2519 m, 6.vii.2011, S. Podenas, MAIS2011070601. Bulgan Aimag: 1 ♀, Bulgan Soum, unnamed hillside trib. of Khairkhan Davaani Gol, N46.94286, E100.85532, 2311 m, 13.vii.2004, J.K. Gelhaus, J.C. Morse, A.E.Z. Short, SRP04071303; 1 ♀, Bulgan Soum, Urd Tamir Gol braid upstream of bridge ~ 63 km SW Tsetserleg, N47.11192, E101.01048, 2066 m, 13– 15.vii.2004, SRPT, SRP04071302; 4 ♂, 1 ♀, Bulgan Soum, Bulgan Gol ~ 25 km SE Bulgan at confluence Tsonkol Gol, N46.77005, E91.32336, 1792 m, 9–10.vii.2009, MAIS2009070902. Hovsgol Aimag: 1 ♂, Lake Tunamal nuur, 26 km SW Somon Scharga, 1950 m, Exp. Dr. Z. Kaszab, Nr. 995, (HNHM); 40 ♂, 13 ♀, Ulaan-Uul Soum, unnamed trib. (stream) of Beltes Gol, 34.0 km NE Bayanzurh, 2113 m, N50.42980, E99.21690,, J.K. Gelhaus #1054-A, SRP06062803; 1 ♂, Bayanzurh Soum, Beltes Gol (river), 10 km E Bayanzurh, 1688 m, N50.20129, E99.08625, 5.vii.2006, J.K. Gelhaus #1072. Ovorkhangai Aimag: 18 ♂, Uyanga Soum, Khangai Mountains, Khuysiyn Naiman Nuur Strictly Protected Area, streams entering east side of Shireet Nuur (Lake), down from davaa (pass), N46.51908, E101.84940, 2446 m, 7.vii.2011, C. R. Nelson & T. A. McKnight & MAIST, MAIS2011070701. Tov Aimag: 2 ♀, Erdene Soum, Gorkhi Terelj NP, unnamed trib. of Tuul River on West side, 1.6 km upstream from Daichin crossing, N48.21780, E107.90392, 1594 m, 9.vii.2003, SRPT, SRP03070902; 5 ♂, 2 ♀, Erdene Soum, Gorkhi Terelj NP, unnamed trib. of Tuul River on West side, c. 5 km upstream from Daichin crossing, N48.24734, E107.90589, 1610 m, 10.vii.2003, SRPT, SRP03071001; 1 ♂, 7 ♀, Erdene Soum, Gorkhi Terelj NP, mouth of Khag River at confluence with Tuul River, N48.25861, E107.90251, 1608 m, 10.vii.2003, SRPT, SRP03071002; 1 ♀, Erdene Soum, Gorkhi Terelj NP, unnamed trib. of Tuul River on E side, 8.5 km downstream of Galtain Gol, N48.09720, E107.84928, 1542 m, 11.vii.2003, SRPT, SRP03071101; 1 ♂, 6 ♀, Erdene Soum, Unnamed river NE Khagiin Har Nuur, Gorkhi Terelj NP, N48.42080, E107.91406, 1818 m, 28.vii.2003, SRPT, SRP03072802; 1 ♂, Erdene Soum, Unnamed river SEA Khagiin Har Nuur, Gorkhi Terelj NP, N48.39916, E107.91693, 1818 m, 29.vii.2003, SRPT, SRP03072901. Uvs Aimag: 1 ♀, 4 km ESE Pass Ulaan davaa, between Lake Örög nuur and Ulaangom, 1700 m, Exp. Dr. Z. Kaszab, Nr. 1074, 6.vii.1968 (HNHM); 13 ♂, 1 ♀, Tarialan Soum, Dund Gol, 73 km SW Tarialan, N49.51831, E91.58729, 2464 m, 3.vii.2010, MAIST, MAIS2010070303.

Elevation range in Mongolia. Adults were collected at altitudes ranging from less than 1600 m to 2500 m.

Period of activity. Adults are active from the middle of June through to the end of July.

Known distribution. Kyrgystan, Mongolia (Map 1) and Russia (western part of Siberia, Far East).

Redescription. Male. Body length 14.5–15.5 mm, wing length 15.3–17.2 mm. General body coloration blackish, heavily gray pruinose.

Head. Black gray pruinose. Vertex and occiput heavily gray pruinose with dark median line. Rostrum black with distinct nasus. Antenna 13-segmented, if bent backward extending beyond base of wing. Scape, pedicel and flagellum black. Each flagellomere except first with weak basal enlargement and deeply incised. Apical flagellomere very small, reduced, distinctly shorter than preceding flagellomere. Verticils shorter than corresponding segments. Palpus black.

Thorax. Blackish, gray pruinose. Pronotum gray with median line. Prescutum and presutural scutum with 4 poorly defined longitudinal stripes narrowly bordered by brown. Intermediate pair fused into broad brown median stripe. Postsutural scutum gray, scutal lobe with 2 darkened spots. Scutellum and postnotum gray with median line. Pleura heavily gray pruinose. Coxae heavily gray pruinose. Trochanters and femora reddish brown, distal part of femora very broadly blackened. Tibiae and tarsal segments brown. Tarsal claws without tooth. Wing indistinctly patterned with brown. Halter with brown stem and knob.

Abdomen. Blackish, dusted with gray. Tergite 1 heavily gray pruinose, succeeding tergites brownish black. Lateral and caudal margins of tergites pale. Sternites blackish, sparsely dusted with gray.

Hypopygium. Black. Tergite 9 forming black polished plate (Fig. 28). Posterior margin of tergal plate broadly truncated, provided with microscopic denticles, with broad median U-shaped incision with acute spine on bottom. Lateral angle of tergite acute. Median area of tergal saucer rounded, anterior portion with raised black denticles. Lateral portion of tergite 9 with additional stout horn-shaped projection directed posteriorly. Gonocoxite ends with curved blackened horn (Figs 5, 29). Outer gonostylus straight, finger-shaped (Fig. 30). Inner gonostylus in shape of nearly straight plate, dorsally with black point, beak extended into obtuse rostrum with distal margin blackened, tipped with small tooth (Fig. 31). Gonocoxal fragment with medial sclerites slender, fused anteriorly into broad base, forming V-shaped structure (Figs 5, 32). Lateral sclerite very small and inconspicuous. Aedeagal guide in shape of depressed flattened plate, posteriorly produced into round shoulders (Fig. 33). Sperm pump with central vesicle slightly swollen (Fig. 34). Compressor apodeme with median incision. Posterior immovable apodeme about as long as compressor apodeme.Anterior immovable apodeme indistinct. Aedeagus shaped as moderately long tube, about 3X as long as sperm pump, basally dark brown, remainder yellow (Fig. 11). Distal part of aedeagus funnel shaped (Fig. 35).

Female. Body length 19.7–26.2 mm, wing length 15.9–18.7 mm (Fig. 2). Generally similar to male. Antenna dark brown, short, flagellomeres cylindrical. Prescutum and presutural scutum with 4 distinct longitudinal stripes narrowly bordered by brown. Postsutural scutal lobes each with 2 spots bordered by brown. Abdomen usually blackish grey pruinose, sometimes tergites dark brown.

Ovipositor (Figs 36–38). Tergite 10 shiny, dark brown. Cercus brownish yellow, shorter than tergite 10, relatively broad and flattened, with tip obtusely rounded, outer margin with rough serration (Fig. 36). Hypovalva pale yellow, filamentous with short trichia at tip (Fig. 37). Median incision between hypovalvae deeper than posterior margin of sternite 8. Sternite 9 posteriorly obtuse (Fig. 38). Furca anteriorly long and narrow, posteriorly broad, membranous except median sclerotisation. Bursa copulatrix and spermathecal ducts without sclerotisation. Spermatheca nearly oval, broadened at base (Fig. 22).

Remarks. Tipula (V.) mediovittata was described by Mik (1889) from a single female collected from Kyrgyztan and preserved in the Diptera collection of the NHMV. The synonymy T. (V.) mediovittata = T. (V.) kamchatkana syn. nov. was established after comparison of type specimens of both taxa and additional non-type material collected in Mongolia. Females of T. (V.) mediovittata can be easily recognized by the blackish gray pruinose body coloration, dark antenna, brownish yellow cercus with tip obtusely rounded and outer margin with rough serration.

Savchenko (1964) assumed that T. (V.) hummeli Alexander, 1936a was possibly a synonym of T. (V.) mediovittata. Tipula (V.) hummeli is known only from a single female collected from China, Gansu Province (Alexander 1936a). Since the ovipositor of T. (V.) hummeli is broken, the synonymy with T. (V.) mediovittata remains unconfirmed.


Published as part of Starkevich, Pavel, Podenas, Sigitas & Gelhaus, Jon K., 2020, Taxonomic review of Tipula (Vestiplex Bezzi) crane flies (Diptera: Tipulidae) in Mongolia, pp. 1-88 in Zootaxa 4837 (1) on pages 23-27, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4837.1.1,


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  • Mik, J. (1889) Heyden, L. V. von, Beitrag zur Insectenfauna der ostlichen Kirghisen-Steppe. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 23, 88 - 111.
  • Savchenko, E. N. (1964) Crane-flies (Diptera, Tipulidae), Subfam. Tipulinae, Genus Tipula L., 2. Fauna USSR, New Series, 89, Insecta Diptera, 2 (4), 1 - 503. [in Russian]
  • Alexander, C. P. (1936 a) Schwedisch-chinesische wissenschaftliche Expedition nach den nordwestlichen Provinzen Chinas. 32. Diptera. 7. Tipulidae. Arkiv fur Zoologi, 27 A (17), 1 - 24.
  • Oosterbroek, P. & Theowald, Br. (1992) Family Tipulidae. Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera, 1, 56 - 178.
  • Alexander, C. P. (1934 b) New or little-known Tipulidae from eastern Asia (Diptera). XVII. Philippine Journal of Science, 52, 395 - 442.
  • Alexander, C. P. (1935) New or little-known Tipulidae from eastern Asia (Diptera). XXV. Philippine Journal of Science, 57, 81 - 148.