There is a newer version of the record available.

Published January 19, 2021 | Version v0.12.0
Software Open

JuliaPlots/Makie.jl: v0.12.0

  • 1. @beacon-biosignals
  • 2. Courant Institute of Mathematical Science
  • 3. GLOBE Institute
  • 4. University of Gothenburg and Chalmers Technical University
  • 5. Samsung Electronics
  • 6. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • 7. The Julia Programming Language
  • 8. Anatomist
  • 9. Washington University in St. Louis
  • 10. ICTEAM, UCL
  • 11. Rehappy GmbH
  • 12. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
  • 13. Universität Siegen
  • 14. National University of Quilmes
  • 15. MIT Media Lab
  • 16. AWS
  • 17. Lobachevsky University


Makie v0.12.0

Diff since v0.11.2

Closed issues:

  • MakieLayout: sequence of specifying layouts matters? (#786)
  • Rectangle zoom on LAxis breaks when spam clicking (#788)
  • Can't use AbstractPlotting or GLMakie (#789)
  • image scatter respecting actual image size (#791)
  • GLMakie does not open a window or plotpane in VSCode (#797)
  • System image creation broken? (#799)
  • Improve linestyles (including a fix for broken line styles in CairoMakie) (#807)
  • test error (#815)
  • Is it possible to add a secondary y axis? (#816)



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