Published January 19, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Visualization of biology materials in grade 8 of a basis school

  • 1. Івано-Франківський обласний інститут післядипломної педагогічної освіти


The article is devoted to substantiating the feasibility of visualizing the educational material of a school biology course in a basis school using the example of human biology in grade 8. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: analysis of information sources on the identified problem, study of work experience and questionnaire of biology teachers, pedagogical experiment.

Visualization of educational material on human biology in the 8th grade using live presentations and educational videos ensures the visualization and conciseness of the educational material on the subject, the ability to effectively study outside the classroom, allows the use of flipped learning technology, helps to increase the cognitive interest of students and the rapid formation of subject competencies in them.

The disadvantages of using the visualization of educational material in the educational process can be the time consuming required for teachers to prepare electronic materials, the need to use computer technology, knowledge of the physiology of perception and assimilation of educational material by different age groups of pupils.

A pedagogical experiment to study the effectiveness of the use of live presentations and instructional videos in the biology educational process in grade 8 showed an increase in the quality of knowledge, skills of schoolchildren whose educational process was visualized, compared to the eighth-graders in whose teaching methods of visualization of educational material were not applied.

Questioning of biology teachers made it possible to determine the topics of the school course in human biology, for teaching which it is advisable to use the visualization of educational material and the technology of inverted learning, especially during quarantine or forced vacations.

The practical importance of studying the visualization of educational material in biology is to develop a methodology for using live presentations and instructional videos in the educational process in a primary school, conduct classes with students remotely, during quarantine.


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