Forms and Methods of Interstate Exchange of Scientific and Technological Information: Russian and Foreign Experience
Introduction. The purpose of this study is to analyse the forms and methods of interstate exchange of scientific and technical information (STI), in particular, to study the current status of the Russian Federation State STI System (SSTIS RF) as well as bodies responsible for the implementation of the STI system (incl. the CIS Interstate Coordination Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICCSTI)) and the course of development of in- terstate cooperation in the exchange of scientific and technical information to ensure the innovative development of Russia. The analysis of international experience in the development of scientific and technical information systems, including the trends in the context of which this development takes place, can help identify possible areas for improvement and determine in- consistencies and development issues for the SSTIS RF. Methods. To assess the interstate exchange of scientific and technical information, a description of the Russian and international practices of information exchange and a general description of the features characteristic of the two systems were prepared. In the framework of the study, the methods of synthesis and anal- ysis were used to generalise and identify the most significant characteristics of cooperation between countries in the exchange of scientific and technical information. Results and Discussion. This study analyses the peculiarities of the forms and methods of interstate STI exchange in Russia and abroad. The operation specifics of the domestic STI system and its structure, sup- ported by the system of standards on information, librarianship and publishing (SIBID), were considered in the context of Russian experience. The peculiarities of the operation of the International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI), which is engaged in the development of international digital information infrastructure in many countries, including Russia, were considered. In terms of international experience of interstate exchange of STI, approaches to standardisation of information exchange are described, in particular, the Information for All programme; the programmes of the EU regional partnership were also considered. This paper also identifies the main tools for national STI systems that enter the global information space. Conclusion. An analysis of the historical aspects and the current state of STI exchange in Russia and abroad revealed shortcomings inherent in the STI system of the Russian Federation: low degree of optimisation in the system, low level of digitalisation and integration of the Russian STI system with systems of other countries. The paper proposes a number of measures for the development of interstate information exchange and cooperation in the field of STI.
Forms and Methods of Interstate Exchange of Scientific and Technological Information Russian and Foreign Experience. Vasilyeva et al. 2020-4.pdf
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