Published February 26, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University


Problem setting. The development of a modern, democratic Ukrainian state requires an integrated approach. An important component of this process is the establishment of spiritual values and guidelines that contribute to the development of the Ukrainian nation and the strengthening of its security on the international arena. In this context, the spiritual imperatives of the domestic state-building need not only clarification and modernization, but also protection in conditions of information aggression against our country. Recent research and publications analysis. Problematics of the domestic state-building in the spiritual and value, and security contexts are presented in a number of scientific works of a diverse methodological direction. Thus, S. Konyk offers his vision of the state-building process on the basis of an integrated approach and associates its effectiveness precisely with the proper management of certain entities and the degree of their values development. In its turn, V. Karlova focuses on the special role of national elite in the state development by means of carriage the basic functions. Among such functions, she distinguishes primarily strategic, communicative, integrative. From the standpoint of S. Vovkanych, it is the Ukrainian national elite, at the present stage of the state-building, that should take responsibility for the consolidation of the nation. Paper objective. In this research, it is planned to analyze the basic spiritual imperatives of the Ukrainian state-building and to identify the main threats to their implementation. Paper main body. The formulation of spiritual guidelines of the domestic state-building is closely interconnected with various social processes and development trends of the Ukrainian nation as a history subject. Unconditionally, a special mission, which is the development of the nation spiritual guidelines, of the main directions of state growth, is assigned to various elite groups, which have an intellectual, organizational, political and legal potential and are able to guide society towards prosperity. In this way, the economic, legal, security and social policies should be based on the national idea, and should not contradict the spiritual heritage of the Ukrainian people. Nowadays, a number of experts talk about the advisability of creating a state-building ideology as an embodiment of a national development project based on the ideas of conciliarism, cultural identity, democracy, the rule of law, protection of human rights and freedoms, social justice, etc. Conclusions of the research. Therefore, the spiritual imperatives of the modern domestic state-building should be a continuation of those values that were developed by the best representatives of the Ukrainian nation during the national liberation struggle. On the other hand, the spiritual stratagems of the Ukrainian state development should conform to modern domestic and foreign political realities, should not be “archaic” and narrowly political.



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