Published September 18, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Catholic University of Temuco
  • 2. Adventist University of Chile
  • 3. University of the Americas


Findings of a qualitative research developed from a hermeneutic paradigm are
presented. This paradigm is related to the dynamics of power that underlie teachers’
discourse about the asymmetric intersubjective relationship which appears between
headmasters and teachers of high schools from the Araucanía region at the South of Chile.
The participants were 14 headmasters and 48 teachers. Data collection was made using
focus groups with headmasters and in- depth interviews with teachers. Data reduction was
made though the coding process, open and axial, using the Atlas Ti 6.2 software. Findings
show the existence of an intersubjective relationship which evidence exercising the power
and control from the headmasters towards teachers. Furthermore, there is violence in the
mechanisms that are articulated from the administrative organization. Participants
recognized the systematic discursive practices of symbolic violence, which damage their
professional quality, in the action of headmasters of high schools.



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