Published January 8, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Stomopogon boliviensis Fogaça & Gomes & Couri & Rodríguez-Fernandez & De Carvalho 2021, sp. nov.

  • 1. Sociedad Boliviana de Entomología, La Paz, Bolivia, Calle Montevideo 188, La Paz, Bolivia & Cooperativa Científica Boliviana, Calle Montevideo 188, La Paz, Bolivia


Stomopogon boliviensis sp. nov.

(Figs 2 E–F, 3G–I, 6C–D, 12A–D, 13A–D)

Type-material examined. Holotype. Male. “ BOLIVIA, LA PAZ \ Prov. Murillo, Zona Sur \ Rio Abajo, 10-17.ii.2005 \ Jaime Rodríguez col. [white printed label]” “ Holotype ” [red, printed label] (MNHN) (Fig. 12D). Paratypes 50♁♁ 15♀♀. Same label information, except: “ Paratype ” [green, printed label], 25♁♁ 7♀♀ (MNHN), 20♁♁ 4♀♀ (DZUP), 5♁♁ 4♀♀ (MNRJ).

Diagnosis. S. boliviensis sp. nov. differs from S. hirtitibia and S. nigrisquama sp. nov. by the yellow tibiae; from S. capribarba, S. paranaensis sp. nov. and S. albiseta by the absence of several white long setae beard-like on gena; from S. inculta by the fronto-orbital plate narrow and from S. argentina sp. nov. by the frontal triangle short and gena well developed.

Etymology. The specific epithet, boliviensis, a noun in apposition, refers to Bolivia, the country of the localitytype.


Holotype male. Length: Body: 2.3 mm. Wing: 2.5 mm.

Head (Fig. 12B). Frontal vitta, fronto-orbital plate, face, parafacial and gena silvery pruinose. Eye with small and sparse white cilia, distance between eyes 0.38 of maximum head-width. Antenna black, inserted on above middle of eyes; postpedicel dark brown, about 1.5 times pedicel length. 4 frontal setae, the second one shorter than others; 1 proclinate orbital seta; 1 upper orbital seta; ocellar seta well developed; postocellar seta divergent with same ocellar seta length; inner vertical seta longer and outer vertical seta shorter than ocellar seta; upper orbital seta strong. Proboscis shiny dark brown. Palpus slender and dark brown and filiform.

Thorax (Fig. 12C). Grey with light brown pruinose. 2 Postpronotal setae. Acrostichal setae 2+4; intra-alar setae 1+2, the anterior postsutural pair longer than posterior; 2 notopleural setae with almost the same length, without covered cilia. Scutellum with one long basal and one long apical pair of setae of similar length. Anepisternum covered by cilia and with a series of 5 setae.

Legs (Fig. 12A). Black, femora grey pruinose, knees, tibia and tarsi yellowish. Claws and pulvilli reduced, pulvilli light brown. Fore femur with a complete pd and pv rows of setae. Fore tibia with 1 pv median seta; 1 d, p and pv preapical seta. Mid femur with av and pv series of long and fine setae; p with 1 preapical seta. Mid tibia with 1 p median seta, preapical seta on a, av, d, p, pd and v. Hind femur with many cilia on all surfaces, setae on p surface shorter than a surface. Hind tibia with many cilia on all surfaces, except p surface; d surface with longer setae; preapical seta on av and v.

Abdomen (Fig. 12C). Black, light brown pruinose and with dark brown spots on all tergites. Sternite 5 Ushaped, covered with long setae on apical half (Fig. 3G).

Terminalia (Figs 2 E–F and 3H–I). Cercus longer than wide, apically shallow bifurcate; surstylus covered with setulae (Fig. 2E); hypandrium long tubular; phallapodeme more or less the same diameter in all extension, curved on apical half and bigger than hypandrium (Fig. 2E); pregonite similar to postgonite length; postgonite with 4 setulae (Fig. 2F).

Female (Fig. 6 C–D, 13A–D). (n=15). Length: Body: 3.0-3.5 mm; Wing: 2.8-3.2 mm. Similar to male. Except: 5 dorsal vittae on thorax relatively conspicuous, apical scutellar setae half the size of the basal one, hind tibia with 3 ad and pd setae, 2 a and p supramedian, 2 a and p median and 2 a and p submedian setae; tibiae covered with shorter cilia; abdominal spots light brown. Tarsomeres light brown.

Distribution. Bolivia (La Paz).


Published as part of Fogaça, João M., Gomes, Lucas R. P., Couri, Márcia S., Rodríguez-Fernandez, Jaime I. & De Carvalho, Claudio J. B., 2021, Neotropical Stomopogon (Diptera, Muscidae): new species, redescriptions and key to species, pp. 301-330 in Zootaxa 4903 (3) on pages 312-314, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4903.3.1,


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Collection code
Event date
Scientific name authorship
Fogaça & Gomes & Couri & Rodríguez-Fernandez & De Carvalho
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Stomopogon boliviensis Fogaça, Gomes, Couri, Rodríguez-Fernandez & Carvalho, 2021


  • Snyder, F. M. (1957) Notes and descriptions of some Neotropical Muscidae (Diptera). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 113, 437 - 490. [note correction on p. viii of the journal]