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Published November 16, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Plumularia setacea

  • 1. Departamento de Ecoloxía e Bioloxía Animal, Facultade de Ciencias do Mar e Centro de Investigación Mariña (CIM-UVigo), Universidade de Vigo. Campus Lagoas-Marcosende. 36310 Vigo. Spain. & Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo. Subida Radio Faro 50. 36390 Vigo. Spain.
  • 2. Departamento de Ecoloxía e Bioloxía Animal, Facultade de Ciencias do Mar e Centro de Investigación Mariña (CIM-UVigo), Universidade de Vigo. Campus Lagoas-Marcosende. 36310 Vigo. Spain. & framil @ uvigo. es
  • 3. Departamento de Ecoloxía e Bioloxía Animal, Facultade de Ciencias do Mar e Centro de Investigación Mariña (CIM-UVigo), Universidade de Vigo. Campus Lagoas-Marcosende. 36310 Vigo. Spain. & ansinjose @ gmail. com


Plumularia setacea (Linnaeus, 1758)

Plumularia setacea: Ramil & Vervoort, 1992: 191–193, fig. 47F–I; Ansín Agís et al., 2001: 238–245, fig. 91; Peña Cantero & García Carrascosa, 2002: 117–119, fig. 21C–D; Vervoort, 2006: 259; Ansín Agís et al., 2014: 824, fig. 22.

Material examined. MAURIT-0911, stn MUDR 01, 16º08´24”N, 16º57´12”W, 488 m, 5-XII-2009: six colonies, one colony growing on Lophelia pertusa and two on Aglaophenia lophocarpa; one colony with gonothecae.

MAURIT-0911, stn MUDR02, 16º08´50”N, 16º57´01”W, 462 m, 5-XII-2009: one colony, no gonothecae.

MAURIT-1011, stn MUDR20, 16º08´11”N, 16º56´08”W, 405 m, 7-XII-2010: one colony on Nemertesia sp., without gonothecae.

MSM 16 /3, stn GeoB 14801–1, 20°14.762’N, 17°40.173’W, 568 m, 3-XI-2010: three colonies on Aglaophenia lophocarpa, no gonothecae.

Biology. Plumularia setacea usually grows attached to other hydroid species, but it can also colonize a wide range of other substrata (Peña Cantero & García Carrascosa 2002). Fertile material has been found throughout the year (Ansín Agís et al. 2014).

Our colonies were attached to the hydroids A. lophocarpa and Nemertesia sp. and the scleractinian coral L. pertusa; fertile material has been found in December.

Distribution. This species has a circumglobal distribution with a bathymetric range from 0 to 1513 m (Ansín Agís et al. 2001; Gil & Ramil 2017a). In West Africa, it was collected from Morocco (Billard 1906b; Patriti 1970; Ansín Agís et al. 2001), West Sahara (Vervoort 1946), Mauritania (Ansín Agís et al. 2001; Gil & Ramil 2017a), Cape Verde Islands (Bedot 1921b; Ansín Agís et al. 2001), Senegal (Picard 1951), Guinea-Bissau (Gili et al. 1989), Ghana (Buchanan 1957), Angola (Broch 1914; Bouillon et al. 1995) and Namibia (Broch 1914; Gili et al. 1989).

The material studied by us was collected from depths of 405 to 568 m.

Remarks. This species is well-known and does not require further comments. Schuchert (2014) analysed the genetic diversity within P. setacea by using a set of worldwide samples, and the results suggested a species complex; however, they could also be considered as a single species with an extensive population subdivision.


Published as part of Gil, Marta, Ramil, Fran & Agís, José Ansín, 2020, Hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from Mauritanian Coral Mounds, pp. 412-466 in Zootaxa 4878 (3) on page 454, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4878.3.2,


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Collection code
Event date
2009-12-05 , 2010-11-03 , 2010-12-07
Material sample ID
MSM 16 , MUDR02 , MUDR20
Scientific name authorship
Taxon rank
Verbatim event date
2009-12-05 , 2010-11-03 , 2010-12-07
Taxonomic concept label
Plumularia setacea (Linnaeus, 1758) sec. Gil, Ramil & Agís, 2020


  • Linnaeus, C. (1758) Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Editio decima, reformata. Laurentii Salvii, Holmiae, 823 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 542
  • Ramil, F. & Vervoort, W. (1992) Report on the Hydroida collected by the " BALGIM " expedition in and around the Strait of Gibraltar. Zoologische Verhandelingen, Leiden, 277, 1 - 262.
  • Ansin Agis, J., Ramil, F. & Vervoort, W. (2001) Atlantic Leptolida (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria) of the families Aglaopheniidae, Halopterididae, Kirchenpaueriidae and Plumulariidae collected during the CANCAP and Mauritania-II expeditions of the National Museum of Natural History, Leiden, The Netherlands. Zoologische verhandelingen, Leiden, 333, 1 - 268.
  • Pena Cantero, A. L. & Garcia Carrascosa, A. M. (2002) The benthic hydroid fauna of the Chafarinas Islands (Alboran Sea, western Mediterranean). Zoologische Verhandelingen, Leiden, 337, 1 - 180.
  • Vervoort, W. (2006) Leptolida (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) collected during the CANCAP and Mauritania-II expeditions of the National Hystory, Leiden, the Netherlands [Anthoathecata, various families of Leptothecata and addenda]. Zoologische Mededelingen, Leiden, 80, 181 - 318.
  • Ansin Agis, J., Vervoort, W. & Ramil, F. (2014) Hydroids of the families Kirchenpaueriidae Stechow, 1921 and Plumulariidae McCrady, 1859 (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) collected in the Western Pacific Ocean by various French Expeditions. Zoosystema, 36, 789 - 840. https: // doi. org / 10.5252 / z 2014 n 4 a 6
  • Gil, M. & Ramil, F. (2017 a) Hydrozoans from Mauritanian Deep-Waters. In: Ramos, A., Ramil, F. & Sanz, J. L. (Eds.), Deep sea ecosystems off Mauritania: Researching marine biodiversity and habitats in West African Deep-waters. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 419 - 444. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / 978 - 94 - 024 - 1023 - 5 _ 11
  • Billard, A. (1906 b) Hydroides. In: Expeditions scientifiques du " Travailleur " et du " Talisman " pendant les annees 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, etc. Masson & Cie., Paris, pp. 153 - 243.
  • Patriti, G. (1970) Catalogue des cnidaires et ctenaires des cotes Atlantiques marocaines. Travaux de l'Institut Scientifique Cherifien, Serie Zoologique, 35, 1 - 149.
  • Bedot, M. (1921 b) Hydroides provenant des campagnes des yachts Hirondelle et Princesse-Alice (1887 - 1912). I. Plumulariidae. Resultats des Campagnes scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht par le Prince Albert Ier de Monaco, 60, 1 - 73.
  • Picard, J. (1951) Hydraires littoraux du Senegal recoltes par H. Sourie aux environs de Dakar. Bulletin de l'Institut francais d'Afrique noir, 13 (1), 109 - 115.
  • Gili, J. M., Vervoort, W. & Pages, F. (1989) Hydroids from the West African coast: Guinea Bissau, Namibia and South Africa. Scientia Marina, 53 (1), 67 - 112.
  • Buchanan, J. B. (1957) The hydroid fauna of the Gold Coast. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines, 56 (3 - 4), 349 - 372.
  • Broch, H. (1914) Hydrozoa benthonica. In: Michaelsen, W. (Ed.), Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Meeresfauna Westafrikas. Vol. 1. Friederichsen, Hamburg, pp. 19 - 50.
  • Bouillon, J., Massin, C. & Kresevic, R. (1995) Hydroidomedusae de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Documents de travail de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, 78, 3 - 106.
  • Schuchert, P. (2014) High genetic diversity in the hydroid Plumularia setacea: A multitude of cryptic species or extensive population subdivision? Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 76, 1 - 9. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / j. ympev. 2014.02.020