Published January 6, 2017 | Version v1
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Three-dimensional reconstructions from aerial photographs of the megalithic tumulus of la Cobertoria, near Campa San Juan (Asturias, Spain)


New instruments and software are producing radical changes in the way in which archaeologists can gather information and create a site record. Photogrammetries are part of these new techniques that provide very accurate records. That is why these tools were applied during recent excavations carried out in the Neolithic tomb of Campa San Juan (Salas, Asturias). This archaeological site was dug for the first time last summer as part of a research project funded by the Valdés-Salas foundation. All the data recovered will allow us to develop several research lines which will enable a deeper understanding of the prehistoric structure.
Regarding photogrammetries, a group of photos were taken during excavations with the goal of developing 3D models with Agisoft Photosocan software. As a consequence, eleven models were created along this year. These models constitute a parallel record of the excavation, providing very precise shortcuts to data. In this way, sections, measures and other information that have always disappeared after diggings, remain available.



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