Published November 21, 2020 | Version v1
Book chapter Open

P2P Learning

  • 1. NetHood
  • 2. Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology


In this chapter we identify a wide variety of learning projects, platforms, tools, and methodologies which could be characterized as “peer-to-peer” and present their main characteristics along three core dimensions (curriculum selection, learning process, and knowledge abstraction). We then discuss how p2p learning processes can be encouraged, facilitated, and supported by digital and
physical infrastructures, keeping a critical outlook on the often hidden power asymmetries that are always present at the infrastructure level. We pay particular attention to the case of small intentional groups of adult learners, and to four exemplary case studies -- two digital platforms and two physical spaces -- with similarities and differences, which help us to deconstruct and critically analyse the different dimensions of p2p learning identified. 


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