There is a newer version of the record available.

Published December 29, 2020 | Version 1
Working paper Open

On the Etymologies of Kypros, kyparissos, kypeiron, kapparis, kypros, kardamon, kardamomon, et al.


On the etymologies of Kypros (Cyprus), kyparissos (=the cypress tree), kypeiron (=Cyperus longus), kapparis (the caper plant), kypros (=Lawsonia inermis), kardamom (=Lepidium sativum in Ancient Greek), kardamomon (=Elettaria cardamomum; the plant known in English as cardamom). Upcoming versions will discuss additional important semantic progressions observed in a number of languages, semantics which definitely elucidate a number of words in the Proto-Indo-European language and in all Indo-European languages, and in many other languages. 


On the Etymologies of Kypros, kyparissos, kypeiron, kapparis et al. v.1.pdf

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