Published December 29, 2020 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Data set 1 discourse analysis BRAD research project

  • 1. University of Wolverhampton


Discourse analysis data set with excerpts of press articles generated in the coding (coded with keywords ‘Brexit’ and ‘deportations’). This data set connects to the WP3 of the BRAD research project.


The data set consists of metadata - codes/nodes and coded excerpts from Daily Mail and The Daily Telegraph. I selected articles that concern EU citizens and the subject of deportation in DM and DT. The texts contained, on the one hand, a keyword that referred to the EU citizens ('EU migrants', 'EU workers', 'EU citizens', 'EU nationals') and, on the other, a keyword referring to deportation ('deportation', 'expulsion', 'kick out', 'send home', 'go home', 'repatriate'). This combination of search terms allowed for closer examination of the linguistic associations between EU citizens and forced expulsions. I used the ProQuest database to search the articles. The analysis covers almost four years, spanning from the announcement of the Referendum (20 February 2016) and the 31 January 2020 when Brexit happened after two extensions. As a result of the keyword-driven selection process, I obtained 141 DT articles, and 140 DM articles.


Data set 1 discourse analysis data set with excerpts of press articles generated in the

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BRAD – Brexit and Deportations: towards a comprehensive and transnational understanding of a new system targeting EU citizens 786490
European Commission