IPBES VA Chapter 2. Literature review on Value Articulating Institutions (Stage II)
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IPBES VA Chapter 2. Literature review on Value Articulating Institutions (Stage II)
Code: VA_ 2.4_Ch2
Version: 01 (25.DEC.2020)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4399374
Description: One of the topics that the IPBES Values Assessment has to cover is the impact of institutions on values at stake in decision-making processes. In order to do so, Chapter 2 must provide the conceptual basis on the relations between values and institutions, particularly those institutions that articulate values. Section 2.3 covers this subject and additional information from the one retrieved through systematic reviews, was needed. In consequence, two separate literature searches were carried, both, presented in this report. This literature review is part of the Stage 2 strategy that Chapter 2 has incorporated to bring different sources of evidence appropriate for each section and subsection, allowing to obtain a broader and deeper database to fulfil the mandate of the Scoping document.