Published October 8, 2020 | Version V2
Journal article Open

Redo hypospadias repair by a single surgeon after failed hypospadias surgeries: Experience from a developing country

  • 1. Department of Pediatric Surgery, Chittagong Medical College & Hospital, Chattogram, Bangladesh


Background: Hypospadias surgeries are often complicated with fistulas, meatal stenosis and disruptions. We report our series of redo surgeries for failed primary repairs.

Methods: We prospectively observed all the redo hypospadias repairs done by the principal author between 2013 and 2017. Thiersch-Duplayurethroplasty was done if the urethral plate was adequately wide and intact; tubularized incised plate (TIP) urethroplasty was performed if the urethral plate was intact but, narrower than 8 mm; 2 stage procedures were done with oral mucosal graft (OMG) if the urethral plate was deficient or scarred with significant chordee.

Result: There was a total of 31 patients. Age ranged from 18 months to 15 years (mean 8.05 ±4.27 years). Sixteen (51.61%) patients underwent only one surgery, 10 (32.26%) patients underwent 2 surgeries, 2 patients (6.45%) underwent 3 surgeries, and 3 patients (9.68%) underwent 4 surgeries prior to presenting to us before our redo surgeries.We had performed TIP urethroplasty in 16 (51.61%) patients, meatal based flap urethroplasty in 12 (38.71%), OMG followed by urethroplasty in 2 (6.45%), and repair of urethra-cutaneous (UC) fistula in 1 (3.23%) patient. Ten (32.26%) Complications occurred in 8 (25.80%) patients. Unsuccessful repair was noted in 03 (9.67%) patients (UC fistula 1, glans dehiscence with UC fistula 1, and glans dehiscence 1).

Conclusion: Thiersch-Duplay and TIP repair can be successfully performed in redo hypospadiassurgeries with acceptable complication rate. OMG graft can be reserved for cases with gross scarring of the urethral plate.

Keywords: Failed hypospadias repair; Tubularized incised plate urethroplasty; Thiersch-Duplay; Outcome



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