Published December 31, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Special relationship between the United Kingdom and the USA: current state and future prospects


As the United Kingdom and the United States of America undergo political, economic and civilizational change nowadays, this article explores their current relationship and its future prospects. The subject of the research is the cooperation between the two countries in the military-political sphere under the conditions of new leadership in the United States, as well as the United Kingdom leaving the European Union. The article concludes that there is a consensus between the political elites of both countries on the importance of a special relationship. Despite speculation about a reduction in Britainʼs power and skepticism from individual American politicians, the United States needs British military and intelligence capabilities, as well as diplomacy, to project influence in key regions of the world. The British establishment also does not question the need to maintain military capabilities and complementarity with the United States military to keep its status as one of the leading world powers. The research demonstrates that the underlying civilizational closeness between the two countries – based on shared concerns, values, and mutual attraction – is strong, and shows no signs of weakening. This closeness can be seen across a range of factors, analysed in the article. The relationship between two countries is a fundamental plank of the economic wellbeing of both. It is also vital to their enduring influence and the maintenance of the rules-based order in an increasingly uncertain world.



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