Published May 3, 2016 | Version v1
Poster Open

Data driven online research. Potential specifications in relation to user needs

  • 1. TU Dresden, Faculty of Education, Germany
  • 2. Leibniz ZBW Hamburg, Germany
  • 3. TU Dresden, Media Centre, Germany
  • 4. Ernest & Young, Germany
  • 5. CERTH ITI, Greece


MOVING is an EU H2020 project that will enable users from all societal sectors (companies, universities, public administration) to fundamentally improve their information literacy by training how to choose, use and evaluate data mining methods in connection with their daily research tasks and to become data-savvy information professionals. In line with the idea of MOVING, we investigate specifications in relation to user needs in a data-driven online research. To this end, authors deal with the idea of online based research methodology as well as its sectoral specified usage patterns. 

