Published September 25, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Influence of Alteration in Far-Off Period Feeding Management on Water Intake, Water and Dry Matter Efficiency, Relative Immunoglobulin Level in Dairy Cows at Tropical Climate

  • 1. NDRI


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  • 1. NDRI


Proper changes in feeding management during dry period in periparturient dairy cows have shown better performances in terms of health, production, and dry matter intake. A study was performed on 14 healthy Jersey crossbred dairy cows which were separated into two groups viz. treatment and control group. Alteration in feeding management was done during far off period in treatment group than control group cows however, the cows of both the groups received similar feeding regimes in close up period as per the standard farm management practices. The statistically analyzed data revealed significantly higher (P<0.001) water intake, ratio of water to dry matter intake in treatment group animals as compared to that of control group cows. Data revealed numerically higher blood plasma Brix% in treatment group animals however, there was significantly no difference (P>0.05) among treatment and the control group animals. Correlation coefficients suggested positive and high correlation (P<0.01) among water intake, dry mater intake, and milk yield and udder health status of dairy cows. In conclusion, based on this study it can be stated that the alteration in far-off period may be suitable for increased water intake, thereby increasing dry matter intake, reducing negative energy balance of dairy cows. It can be stated that proper reduction of concentrate supply during far-off dry period may be done to achieve improved performance of dairy cows in tropical region.
Alteration in far-off period diet significantly affects water intake and dry matter intake
Immunity levels are not compromised with alteration in far-off period diet
Reduced negative energy balance can be achieved in dairy cows by altering far-off period diet in dairy animals




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