Published March 14, 2013 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D4.2 Report on multi-stakeholder workshop

  • 1. TCD


This deliverable reports on the preparation, planning and implementation of the DigCurV Multi-­‐Stakeholder Workshop which was held in Florence on the 10th December in the periphery of a major international conference on ”Cultural Heritage Online”.

Section 1 - gives a brief overview of the DigCurV project and the reason for holding this workshop at the mid-point in the development of the development of the DigCurV curriculum framework.

Sections 3 discusses the methodology for the promotion and registration for the event.

Section 4 gives brief details of the venue, with an evaluation of its suitability to the event.

Section 5 – Programme of Events – talks through the events of the day, and provides feedback from the breakout sessions in the afternoon.

Section 6 – Conclusion – evaluates the success of the event and promotional activities.


The DigCurV project was funded by the European Commission's Leonardo da Vinci programme


D4.2 Multi-Stakeholder workshop report_1.pdf