Published December 20, 2020 | Version 03
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IPBES VA Chapter 5. Role of values in transformative change


IPBES VA Chapter 5. Role of values in transformative change

Code: IPBES_VA_5.1
Versioning: 03 (14.03.2022)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4363069

Description: This review corresponds to the IPBES Values Assessment Chapter 5. This report highlights how values can be changed and mobilised as part of efforts to direct and govern progress towards preferred futures. This review provides information to Section 5.3 in Chapter 5, the guiding questions for this section are: how can plural values of nature contribute to transformations towards just and sustainable futures?, what constrains and enables the mobilisation of plural values of nature for transformations to sustainability? And, how can we govern the mobilisation of plural values of nature for transformations to sustainability?This review corresponds to the IPBES Values Assessment Chapter 5. This report highlights how values can be changed and mobilised as part of efforts to direct and govern progress towards preferred futures. This review provides information to Section 5.3 in Chapter 5, the guiding questions for this section are: how can plural values of nature contribute to transformations towards just and sustainable futures?, what constrains and enables the mobilisation of plural values of nature for transformations to sustainability? And, how can we govern the mobilisation of plural values of nature for transformations to sustainability?


1_VA_5.1_Ch5 (14.03.2022).pdf

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