Published November 23, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Campyloneurus rugifacialis Li & Achterberg & Chen 2020, sp. nov.


Campyloneurus rugifacialis sp. nov.

Figs 23–24

Type material. Holotype. CHINA • ♀; Guangxi Province, Longzhou Nonggang; 20 May 1982; J.H. He leg.; ZJUH 821602. Paratype. CHINA • 1♀; Yunnan Province, Mengxiu; 2 to 6 May 1981; J.H. He leg.; ZJUH 813133.

Diagnosis. This new species is very similar to C. longitergum sp. nov., but can be separated from the latter by the following characters: head and mesosoma uniformly black (head and mesosoma mainly red in C. longitergum); face coarsely rugose (smooth); first metasomal tergite relatively robust, 1.2 × as long as its apical width (less robust, 1.8 ×).

Description. Holotype, ♀, length of body 6.1 mm, of fore wing 7.1 mm, of ovipositor sheath 2.2 mm.

Head. Antenna with 52 antennomeres; apical flagellomere acute and spiny apically, 2.6 × longer than its maximum width (Fig. 24k); first flagellomere 1.3 × longer than its maximum width, 1.1 and 1.2 × longer than second and third, respectively, the 1.2 × longer than wide; malar suture weakly sculptured and short setose (Fig. 24i); clypeus height: inter-tentorial distance: tentorio-ocular distance = 3: 9: 4; clypeus sparsely long setose; eye not emarginated (Fig. 24g); width of hypoclypeal depression 1.3 × its height; face 0.9 × longer than wide, coarsely sculptured and densely setose laterally (Fig. 24g); eye height: shortest distance between eyes: head width = 21: 20: 45; frons smooth, weakly concave behind antennal sockets, with a strong median groove (Fig. 24h); vertex smooth, with sparse long setae; minimum distance between posterior ocelli: minimum diameter of elliptical posterior ocellus: minimum distance between posterior ocellus and eye = 8: 9: 15; in dorsal view length of eye 2.0 × temple; temples strongly narrowed behind eyes (Fig. 24h).

Mesosoma. Length of mesosoma 1.8 × its height (Fig. 24c); notauli only impressed anteriorly (Fig. 24d); mesoscutum with dense short setae posteriorly and along notauli (Fig. 24d); scutellar sulcus moderately wide and deep, with sparse crenulae (Fig. 24d); scutellum densely short stose posteriorly and laterally; metanotum strongly convex medially (Fig. 24d); propodeum smooth without medio-longitudinal carina or groove, sparsely setose medially, and densely long setose laterally (Fig. 24d).

Wings. Fore wing (Fig. 24a): pterostigma 3.7 × longer than wide; SR1: 3-SR: r = 28: 24: 5; 1-SR+M strongly bent subbasally; 2-SR: 3-SR: r-m = 8: 24: 7; angle between 1-SR and C+SC+R about 75°; cu-a interstitial, vertical. Hind wing (Fig. 24b): SC+R1: 2-SC+R: 1r-m = 19: 6: 12.

Legs. Length of fore femur: tibia: tarsus = 18: 21: 31; length of hind femur: tibia: basitarsus = 27: 40: 13; length of femur, tibia and basitarsus of hind leg 3.6, 8.0 and 4.3 × their maximum width, respectively; hind tibial spurs 0.3 and 0.5 × as long as hind basitarsus.

Metasoma. Length of first metasomal tergite 1.2 × its apical width, median area convex and coarsely sculptured, with a rather short medio-longitudinal carina posteriorly, lateral grooves crenulate (Fig. 24j); second tergite largely coarsely sculptured, triangular medio-basal area of second tergite smooth, but weakly sculptured posteriorly, attached to medio-longitudinal carina apically, the latter almost reaching posterior margin of second tergite (Fig. 24e); apical width of second tergite twice its median length, antero-lateral areas of second tergite rather small and smooth, anterior grooves wide and crenulate (Fig. 24e); second suture wide and deep, crenulate, nearly straight medially (Fig. 24e); apical width of third tergite 4.3 × its median length; third tergite without subposterior groove (Fig. 24e); third–fifth tergites coarsely sculptured, with antero-lateral areas (but of fifth tergite weak) (Fig. 24e); fourth and fifth tergites with weak subposterior groove (but of fourth tergite absent medially) (Fig. 24e); sixth and seventh tergites largely smooth except for some weak sculpture; ovipositor sheath 0.3 × as long as fore wing.

Colour. Largely black (Fig. 23); maxillary palp yellow; wing membrane smoky grey, pterostigma and veins dark brown, stigmal spot up to base of vein 1-SR+M (Figs 24a, 24b).

Variation. Length of body of female 5.1–6.1 mm, of fore wing of female 5.3–7.1 mm, and of ovipositor sheath 2.2–2.5 mm; antenna of female with 46–52 antennomeres; ovipositor sheath 0.3–0.5 × as long as fore wing.

Biology. Unknown.

Distribution. China (Guangxi, Yunnan).

Etymology. Named after the rugose face: “ruga” and “facies” are Latin for “wrinkle” and “face”, respectively.


Published as part of Li, Yang, Achterberg, Cornelis Van & Chen, Xue-Xin, 2020, Two genera Campyloneurus Szépligeti and Iphiaulax Foerster in China, with the descriptions of fourteen new species (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Braconinae), pp. 1-67 in Zootaxa 4884 (1) on pages 34-37, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4884.1.1,


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Collection code
Event date
1981-05-02 , 1982-05-20
Material sample ID
ZJUH 813133 , ZJUH 821602
Scientific name authorship
Li & Achterberg & Chen
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
1981-05-02/06 , 1982-05-20
Taxonomic concept label
Campyloneurus rugifacialis Li, Achterberg & Chen, 2020