Published July 27, 2018 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Casinaria nigripes


Casinaria nigripes (GRAVENHORST , 1829) (fig. 48)

Campoplex nigripes GRAVENHORST, 1829: 598 ♂

Types lost (HORSTMANN 2000: 1207), interpretation according to the original description.

syn. Casinaria scutellaris TSCHEK, 1871: 58 ♀

Holotypus: (♀) Type, 25.9.66, Piesting TSCHEK (Wien), studied by HORSTMANN.

syn. Casinaria cingulata Strobl, 1904: 68-69 ♀♂

Lectotypus: (♀) C. cingulata...Bruck ♂ Gesäuse...26/7 90 ♀ (Admont), studied by HORSTMANN.

D e s c r i p t i o n: ♀: Body length 9-12 mm. Flagella with 39-41 segments; 1 st flagellomeres length 2.8x width; preapical flagellomeres length 1.2-1.5x width. Temples narrow, strongly narrowed behind eyes; head 2.3-2.4x wider than long. Distance of lateral ocelli to eyes 0.65-0.8x and between them 1.5x their diameter. Face moderately narrowed ventrally, finely rugose-punctate, minimal width 0.9x frontal width and 0.65x eye length. Malar space length 0.4x width of mandibular bases. Genal carinae strongly bent outwards ventrally, reaching mandibular bases in an angle of 90°; genae concave ventrally. Hypostomal carinae slightly elevated.

Mesopleural discs ± rugulose-punctate; specula granulate; dorsal impressions strongly striate, striae sometimes reaching anterior margin of mesopleura. Prepectal carina not or slightly elevated, with a short but distinct dentiform or lamelliform elevation on transversal parts (similar to Trychosis tristator TSCHEK). Metapleura finely rugose or granulate, with some rugae ventrally; coxal carina indistinct. Propodeum with short basal carinae (area basalis); area petiolaris not strongly impressed, with fine irregular rugae. Hind femora slender, length 5.4-6.0x width; inner spurs of hind tibiae length 0.6x hind metatarsus length. Areolets with long stalk, 2 nd recurrent veins in the middle; nervuli interstitial or slightly postfurcal; postnervuli intercepted in the middle, external angles of discoidal cells acute (80°); nervelli of hind wing strongly reclivous, not or weakly inter- cepted. 2 nd tergite length 2.0-2.3x width; thyridia roundish, distance to basal margins of tergite 1.5-2x their length; 3 rd tergite length 1.1-1.2x width.

Colour: Black including flagella, tegulae and mandibles, tegulae sometimes reddishyellow. 2 nd tergite subapically or apically, and 3 rd and 4 th tergites, sometimes also 5 th tergite ± reddish. Coxae and trochanters black, sometimes fore trochanters yellowish; fore trochantelli, femora, tibiae and tarsi yellowish-red; middle femora brownish, apically as tibiae and tarsi yellow-red; hind femora blackish; hind tibiae yellowish basally, reddish-brown externo-medially, black subbasally and in apical 0.4, sometimes hind tibiae dark brown with cream-yellow bases.

♂: Flagella with 36-40 segments. Hind femora length 5.4x width. 2 nd tergite length 2.0- 2.1x width; 3 rd tergite length 1.1x width. Structure and colour otherwise as in ♀.

Hosts: Calliteara pudibunda (LINNAEUS, 1758) (Lep. Noctuidae) (EDI, ZSM), Lasiocampa quercus (LINNAEUS, 1758) (Lep. Lasiocampidae) (EDI).

D i s t r i b u t i o n: Austria, Bulgaria*, Czechia (Bohemia), France, Germany, Italy*, Switzerland.


Published as part of Riedel, Olmgren Matthias, 2018, Revision of the Western Palae arctic species of the genus Casinaria H (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Campopleginae), pp. 723-763 in Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (1) on pages 741-742, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4032781


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Casinaria nigripes (Gravenhorst, 1829) sec. Riedel, 2018


  • GRAVENHORST J. L. C. (1829): Ichneumonologia Europaea. Pars III. Vratislaviae, 1 - 1097.
  • HORSTMANN K. (2000): Typenrevisionen der von Gravenhorst beschriebenen oder gedeuteten Campoplex - Arten (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). - Linzer Biologische Beitr age 32 (2): 1203 - 1214.
  • TSCHEK C. (1871): Ichneumonologische Fragmente. - Verhandlungen der Zoologisch- Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 21: 37 - 68.