Published December 17, 2020 | Version v1
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Wave propagation of local earthquakess in a subduction zone

  • 1. University of Bergen


The movie shows wave propagation simulations that we used to model the synthetic seismograms presented in the manuscript "Toward waveform-based characterization of slab & mantle wedge (SAM) earthquakes" by Felix Halpaap, Stéphane Rondenay, Qinya Liu, Florian Millet, Lars Ottemöller. The movie contains four panels, corresponding to four waveform simulations of earthquakes occurring (i, top left) in the mantle wedge, (ii, bottom left) on the subduction interface, (iii, top right) in the slab crust, (iv, bottom right) in the slab mantle. In the movie, the simulation runs are synchronized to show the P-wave arrival at a station vertically above the earthquake at the same time. The counter in the top left corner indicates the simulation time relative to the P-wave arrival at that station. To enhance the visibility of small-amplitude wavefronts, the color intensity of the wavefronts corresponds to a logarithmic scaling of the wavefront amplitudes, with wavefront amplitudes below 0.5 % muted. The amplitudes here correspond to the norm of the displacement vector (i.e., showing particle motion in the horizontal and vertical directions).



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