Published June 11, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Selymbria madredediosensis Sanborn 2019, n. sp.


Selymbria madredediosensis n. sp.

(Fig. 9)

Selymbra (sic) sp. 1 Pogue 1996: 317, Table 2.

Selymbria stigmatica (non Germar) Marshall et al. 2018: 12, Table 1, 19, Fig. 4, 21, Fig. 6, 51, Fig. 12.

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype. “ PERU: Madre de Dios / Rio Tambopata Res.; 30 air / km. SW Pto. Maldonado, 290m. / 6–10 XI 1979 J.B. Heppner / subtropical moist forest // PERU TAMBOPATA SURVEY / PROJECT PHOTO / J. B. Heppner // (blank blue label) // Selymbria? ♂ / not stigmatica / Det. TEMoore 1985” one male (FSCA). Paratypes. “ PERU: Madre de Dios / Rio Tambopata Res. / 30 km (air) SW Puerto / Maldonado, 290m 20–31 /– X–1982 R. Wilkerson ” one male (AFSC) (this is the specimen illustrated as S. stigmatica in Marshall et al. 2018); “ PERU Madre de Dios / Tambopata Res. Zone / Tambopata Research / Cntr on Rio Tambopata // S13 08.305 W69 38.502 / 622 ft (3–7)– X–2004 / CRBartlett” one female (AFSC); “ PERU Madre de Dios / Tambopata Res. Zone / Tambopata Research / Cntr on Rio Tambopata // S13 08.305 W69 38.502 / 622 ft (3–7)– X–2004 / CRBartlett” one female (AFSC); “ PERU Madre de Dios / nr Puerto Maldonado / Posada Amazonas / lodge@ Rio Tambopata // S12 48.115 W69 18.019 / 609 ft (7–10)– X–2004 / CRBartlett” one male (AFSC); “ PERU: Dept. Loreto, 40 km / NE Iquitos on Amazon / River, Explorama Inn / 22–24–VIII–1992 / Castner, Skelley, et al.” one female (FSCA), one male and one female (AFSC); “ PERU Madre de Dios / Tambopata Res. Zone / Tambopata Research / Cntr on Rio Tambopata // S13 08.305 W69 38.502 / 622 ft (3–7)– X–2004 / CRBartlett” two females (UDCC); “ PERU Madre de Dios / nr Puerto Maldonado / Posadas Amazonas / lodge@ Rio Tambopata // S12 48.115 W69 18.019 / 609 ft (30– IX) –(3–X)–2004 / C R Bartlett” one female (UDCC).

ETYMOLOGY. The name is a combination of madrededios— for the province of origin of the type series and— ensis (L. suffix denoting place).

DESCRIPTION. Ground color of head and thorax greenish marked with piceous, abdomen piceous marked with castaneous and greenish. Green has faded or was chemically altered to tawny in several specimens including holotype.

Head. Head wider than pronotal collar lateral angles and mesonotum, dorsal head piceous except for midline between median ocellus and frontoclypeal suture, triangular spot on posterior epicranial suture and triangular spot on posterior cranial depression, posterior margin of head, and anterolateral vertex posterior to supra-antennal plate that are ground color, supra-antennal plates ground color except for curved piceous mark extending anterolaterally from posteromedial margin, reduced to posteromedial corner, or edged in castaneous in some paratypes, piceous posterior to eye. Short silvery pile posterior to eye, short golden pile on vertex in some paratypes, denser in sutures. Ocelli red, eyes testaceous. Ventral head piceous except transverse fascia ventral to supra-antennal plate continuous with dorsal mark but not reaching eye, posterior margin of gena, anterior and lateral margin of lorum ground color, long silvery pile ventral to eye, on gena and on lorum, white pubescence on ventral head in some paratypes. Postclypeus with eight transverse grooves, central sulcus narrow at apex expanding laterally on posteroventral surface, ground color with dorsal surface posterior to transverse grooves, within expanded region of central sulcus except for anterior region near apex and short fascia on midline in center of mark, within transverse grooves and ventroposterior piceous, first four dorsal transverse groove piceous connected medially by fascia lateral to central sulcus, ventroposterior transverse grooves 5–8 ground color with fifth groove piceous in medial half in some paratypes, white pubescence laterally and posteroventrally in some paratypes, long silvery pile on ventral surface. Anteclypeus piceous, covered with white pubescence in paratypes. Mentum ground color, medial labium castaneous, lateral and distal labium piceous, tip reaching to posterior of middle leg coxae, with sparse short silvery pile, denser near tip. Scape and proximal pedicel ground color, distal pedicel and flagellar segments piceous.

Thorax. Dorsal thorax ground color. Pronotum ground color, lightly castaneous on either side of midline on disk medial to posterior paramedian fissure, with triangular piceous marks on anterior disks on either side of anterior midline extending posteriorly as fascia to connect to posterior mark, piceous anterior disks between sutures, transverse mark on posterior disk with angled medial margin extending laterally to posterior lateral fissure, ambient fissure piceous from anterior lateral fissure to posterior mark, longitudinal piceous fascia on lateral scutes, curved piceous and castaneous mark on scute between central paramedian fissure and posterior lateral fissure connecting to posterior transverse mark, reduced or absent in some paratypes. Pronotal collar lightened ground color. Mesonotum ground color, piceous on disk lateral to lateral sigillae, reduced in some paratypes, medioanterior and the middle of the lateral margin of the lateral sigillae, between lateral and submedian sigillae diverging and extending along medial margin of lateral sigilla almost to posterior margin and medially to spot on disk, curved marks along medial submedian sigillae margins connecting to parapsidal suture expanded into triangular mark on anterior terminus, trident-shaped mark on disk with tines extending between sigillae, curving fascia between anterior arms of cruciform elevation extending to and encircling scutal depressions, lateral margin piceous, posterior mesothorax piceous, reduced to medial piceous spot in some paratypes. Cruciform elevation ground color with piceous mark posterior to anterior arm of cruciform elevation, wing groove ground color with piceous spot on anteromedial margin. Metanotum piceous with ground color dorsum and posterior margin. Long silvery pile in posterior wing groove, silvery pile on posterior margin, silvery pile between anterior arms of cruciform elevation, on lateral cruciform elevation in some paratypes. Ventral thoracic segments ground color except dark castaneous or piceous on all but lateral basisterna 2 and 3, covered with white pubescence in paratypes.

Wings. Fore wings hyaline with eight apical cells, hind wings hyaline with six apical cells. Cubitus anterior 1 of the fore wing straight between the split with cubitus anterior 2 and the mediocubital crossvein. Venation ground color at base along with costal margin and radius & subcostal vein to node and subcostal vein distal to node, remaining venation ferruginous except piceous anal vein 2 + 3, becoming piceous in distal veins between apical cells 4–8, ambient vein piceous between apical cells 2–8. Basal cell longer than broad, hyaline with slight greenish tint along radius & subcostal vein and at base. Pterostigma present. Infuscation on distal subcostal vein, radius anterior 1, radius anterior 2 and distal radius posterior, infuscation extending onto ambient vein anterior to radius posterior extending to wing apex, mark on radius posterior reduced in one paratype, second infuscation expanding from middle of subcostal vein across pterostigma, proximal apical cells 1–3 and anterior half of proximal apical cell 4, distal ulnar cells 1 and 2 not reaching bifurcation of median veins 1 and 2 but including entire radial and radiomedial crossveins, mark reduced to along veins in one paratype, expanded anterodistally to connect to distal spot in some paratypes. Basal membrane of fore wing gray with dark gray posterior margin. Venation of hind wing similarly colored with anal veins 2 and 3 castaneous. Anal cell 3 and anal cell 2 along anal vein 3 gray, anal cell 2 along anal vein 2 gray, gray area margined with infuscation in anal cells 2 and 3, spot of infuscation on wing margin distal to apical cells 1 and 2.

Legs. Legs ground color, dark castaneous marks on lateral base of middle coxae and lateral hind coxae, distal tibiae edged in castaneous, dorsal metatarsus and mesotarsus, distal pretarsus piceous. Fore femora proximal spine, longest spine, forming acute angle to femur, secondary spine triangular, slightly angled to femoral axis with curved tip, and small, slightly angled, triangular apical spine, more than half as long as secondary spine which is large for the genus, all spines ground color with castaneous tips, long silvery pile radiating from ridge with spines. Tarsal claws dark castaneous with piceous tips, tibial spurs and comb castaneous with darker tips. Legs covered with long and short silvery pile.

Operculum. Male operculum ground color with piceous spots on lateral base and anteromedial corner, lateral margin parallel to body axis at base, angled mediad at about half its length, joining to smoothly rounded posterior margin, posterior medial margin curved, transverse anteromediad margin curving to base, medial margin covering medial tympanal cavity, posterior margin reaching to anterior margin of sternite II covering tympanal cavity completely. Meracanthus ground color with castaneous spot on medial base, triangular with straight tip but curved lateral margin, reaching to anterior of sternite II. Female operculum ground color with piceous spot on lateral base, straight lateral and posterior margins, posterolateral corner approximate right angle, terminating medially at medial meracanthus, reaching to anterior of sternite II. Female meracanthus ground color with castaneous medial mark, curving mediad, tip slightly angled mediad, longer than operculum extending to middle of sternite II. Opercula covered with white pubescence, denser at base and radiating silvery pile in some paratypes.

Abdomen. Tergite 1 with castaneous posterior margin and ground color spot on dorsal timbal cavity margin, tergites 2–7 piceous with castaneous lateral margins, tergite 2 with greenish spot on ventral timbal cavity margin, thin ground color fascia on dorsolateral posterior margin of tergite 7, tergite 8 castaneous with ground color posterior margin, female tergites similarly colored, tergite 8 castaneous anteriorly with piceous spots on either side of anterior midline and on lateral margins with ground color posterior half, auditory capsule piceous, castaneous and covered with white pubescence in some paratypes. Timbal cover piceous, recurved exposing timbal dorsally, lateral tergite 2 expanding anteriorly to form small, triangular cover over posterolateral timbal cavity. Timbal with twelve long and eleven intercalary ribs. Female abdominal segment 9 castaneous anteriorly, ground color posteriorly with darker dorsolateral castaneous fascia and stigma, piceous mark on anterior ground color region transverse to dark castaneous fascia extending to posterior margin lateral to base of dorsal beak, and piceous spots on either side of ventral margin where they converge over gonapophyses, dorsal beak ground color with castaneous tip, covered with short silvery pile on dorsal and dorsolateral surfaces, long golden pile on ventral and ventrolateral surfaces. Posterior margin of female abdominal segment 9 slightly sinuate. Sternite I dark castaneous, piceous in some paratypes, sternite II piceous medially, castaneous posterolaterally with ground color ventrolateral region and piceous lateral margin, sternites III–VI piceous medially forming central fascia bordered by castaneous within ground color lateral regions, sternite VII mainly piceous with dark castaneous lateral regions and ground color posterolateral margins, sternite VIII U-shaped with transverse posterior margin, radiating long golden pile. Female sternites similarly marked. Epipleurites castaneous, with ground color posterior margin in some paratypes. Female sternite VII with a deep medial notch almost reaching anterior margin, V-shaped anteriorly, forming an almost transverse region extending laterally widening the anterior notch before curving to pointed posterior margin, apices converging and almost meeting medially, posterior margin of sternite straight, smoothly curving to lateral surface, piceous on anteromidline, castaneous anterolaterally with dark castaneous spots on either side of anterior midline, most of posterior extension ground color except castaneous medial point with piceous tip. Long silvery pile radiating from sternites, white pubescence on male sternites I and II, lateral sternites and epipleurites III–VI in paratypes.

Genitalia. Male pygofer dark castaneous, distal shoulder small, forming a right angle, curving smoothly to dorsal beak, dorsal beak piceous, broadly triangular, apex slightly bent when viewed from the side. Pygofer basal lobe elongated, finger-like, bending at approximate right angle away from base, pygofer upper lobes small, adpressed to pygofer, flattened with rounded terminus extending to distal shoulder. Anal styles piceous with ground color deep lateral surfaces, radiating short silvery pile, extending well beyond dorsal beak, anal tube dark ochraceous. Uncus lobe large, piceous, dorsally with medial convex region widening towards apex, small recurved spine on either corner of terminus, terminus transverse when viewed from above, ventrally concave with medial carina in distal half, lateral portion folded ventrally from dorsal surface, base with approximately parallel dorsal and ventral surfaces, ventral margin angling toward apex with sinuate ventral margin when viewed from the side, slightly widening from base, reducing width only slightly towards terminus. Dorsal, lateral and ventral surfaces radiating long silvery pile. Aedeagus dark castaneous, with curving lateral extensions with leaf-like lateral lobes near terminus.

Female gonocoxite IX and gonapophyses castaneous. Gonocoxite X piceous extending to length of dorsal beak but not as far as anal styles, with radiating dense golden pile. Anal styles piceous with ground color lateral interior, anal tube ochraceous.

MEASUREMENTS (MM). N = three males or four females, mean (range). Length of body: male 19.46 (18.9–20.1), female 18.59 (18.3–19.0); length of fore wing: male 23.55 (22.65–24.3), female 24.46 (23.95–25.3); width of fore wing: male 7.95 (7.9–8.0), female 7.98 (7.65–8.4); length of head: male 3.33 (3.2–3.4), female 3.49 (3.4–3.6); width of head including eyes: male 7.31 (7.2–7.45), female 7.38 (7.25–7.55); width of pronotum including suprahumeral plates: male 6.67 (6.5–6.9), female 6.80 (6.6–7.1); width of mesonotum: male 5.68 (5.2–6.3), female 5.75 (5.5–5.9).

DIAGNOSIS. Selymbria ahyetios, S. pandora and S. subolivacea can be distinguished from this species by the lack of infuscation on the apex of their fore wing. The infuscation of the fore wing is found only on the apex of the fore wing in S. ahyetios, S. chevauxensis n. sp., S. cinctifera n. sp., S. guatemalensis n. sp., S. guianensis n. sp., and S. pluvialis without extending on basal apical cells 1–3 and on the radiomedial cross vein as in S. madredediosensis n. sp. The piceous region on dorsal head is reduced between the lateral ocelli and eye and the medial margin to notch in female sternite VII curves laterad toward the posterior in S. puntarenasensis n. sp. The infuscation is restricted to the radiomedial crossvein in the fore wing of S. danieleae without extending onto the basal apical cells 1–3. Tergite 3 in the male is wider than tergite 2, and the medial margin of the notch in female sternite VII curves posterolaterad and distinguishes S. stigmata. Selymbria ecuadorensis n. sp. can be distinguished by the rounded terminus of the male uncus and the slightly constricting posterior notch in female sternite VII. The extension of male tergite 2 over the posterolateral timbal cavity, the concave ventral terminus of the uncus, and the straight medial margins in female sternite VII that widen slightly distinguishes S. iguazuensis n. sp. from this new species. The male uncus is not as wide as the pygofer and the medial margins of the posterior extension of female sternite VII do not smoothly curve mediad forming a sharp acute angle at the apex that almost meet over the gonapophyses at the posterior sternite S. boliviaensis n. sp. or S. loretoensis n. sp. The species is very similar to S. loretoensis in general appearance. This new species is smaller and there are differences in the genitalia of both males and females in the two species.

DISTRIBUTION. The species is known only from the type series collected in Madre de Dios Province in southern Peru. The undetermined species listed in Pogue (1996) was collected at the Tambopata Reserved Zone on the Río Tambopata, 12º 50’S, 069º 17’W at an elevation of 290 m, very close to some specimens of the type series.


Published as part of Sanborn, Allen F., 2019, The cicada genus Selymbria Stål, 1861 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Tibicininae: Selymbrini): redescription including ten new species and a key to the genus, pp. 401-448 in Zootaxa 4614 (3) on pages 436-440, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4614.3.1,


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Scientific name authorship
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Selymbria madredediosensis Sanborn, 2019


  • Pogue, M. G. (1996) Biodiversity of Cicadoidea (Homoptera) of Pakitza, Manu Reserved Zone and Tambopata Reserved Zone, Peru: A faunal comparison. In: Wilson, D. E. & Sandoval, A. (Eds.), Manu, the biodiversity of southeastern Peru. Smithsonian Institution, Editorial Horizonte, Lima, pp. 313 - 325.
  • Marshall, D. C., Moulds, M. S., Hill, K. B. R., Price, B. W., Wade, E. J., Owen, C. J., Goemans, G., Marathe, K., Sarkar, V., Cooley, J. R., Sanborn, A. F., Kunte, K., Villet, M. H. & Simon, C. (2018) A molecular phylogeny of the cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) with a review of tribe and subfamily level classification. Zootaxa, 4424 (1), 1 - 64. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4424.1.1