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Published March 31, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Parametopa gorea Krapp-Schickel 2015, n. sp.


Parametopa gorea n. sp.

Figures 26, 27


Adult specimen 3 mm from Gorée (island near Senegal) 17–3-53, ‘contenu stomacal de Spondyliosoma cantharum ’, slide MVRCr 7671.

Additional material

Fem. ov. 3 mm, fem. 2.5 mm, same locality, stored in alcohol at MVRCr.


Collected on the coasts of Gorée, Italian Gorea, a small island off the coast of Senegal.


Gn 1 propodus subchelate, merus reaching end of carpus; Gn 2 propodus anterior and posterior margin parallel, palm oblique, with several incisions and humps; basis with many robust spines on anterior margin; U 1–3 and T strongly spinose.

Description Length. 2.5–3 mm.

Head. Antennae subequal in length, length of A 1 ped. art 1 = art 2, art 3 about one third; flagellum with 14 arts. A 2 peduncle art 4 somewhat longer than art 5, flagellum with eight arts. Mouthparts: Mx 1 palp with one art; Mx 2 lobes in riding position; Md palp lacking; Mxp narrow, OP vanishing.

Peraeon: Gn 1 subchelate, merus reaching end of carpus, distally not acute but rounded ending; propodus ovoid, palm oblique, about half length of propodus. Cx 2 anterior margin regularly convex, posterior margin concave; Gn 2 basis on anterior margin beset with many strong spines; carpus triangular, length subequal to width; propodus with nearly parallel margins, palm oblique, with many more or less deep incisions and humps; dactylus about half length of propodus. Cx 3 narrow, with parallel margins, distally slightly serrate, Cx 4 much wider than deep, ovoid. Peraeopods: P 3> P 4; P 3 basis with many setae anteriorly; P 5 basis rectilinear, dactylus ≥ half length of propodus; anterior margin of merus, carpus and propodus with many spines; P 6, 7 basis widened, merus on both margins with spines, posterior one widened and lengthened, but not reaching half length of carpus.

Pleon: Ep 3 posteriorly bluntly produced; U 1–3 peduncle richly spinose; U 1 ped> subequal rami; U 2 rami unequal; P 3 ped> ramus, length of ramus art 1 = art 2; T with 5 pairs of spines marginally.


Senegal, Atlantic O.

Key to Parametopa species

1. Gn 2 propodus rectangular, palmar corner 90° (rectipalmate) or even less..... 2

- Gn 2 propodus with oblique palm, palmar corner much more than 90°......... 3

2. Gn 1 simple, Gn 2 palm concave; A 1 flagellum with 4 arts, U 3 ramus art 1 naked................................... P. crassicornis Just, 1980 (3.2 mm) NW Greenland

- Gn 1 simple to subchelate; Gn 2 palm straight; A 1 flagellum> 10 arts, U ramus art 1 with marginal spines...................................................................................................... P. kervillei Chevreux, 1901 (5 mm) French coast of English Channel

3. Gn 2 propodus palm with U-shaped excavation near palmar corner, palm defined by prominent elevation; P 5–7 with very few marginal spines; U 3 ramus and T naked................................................. P. alaskensis (Holmes 1904) (? mm) Alaska

- Gn 2 propodus palm with several small incisions, palm defined by blunt corner; P 5–7 richly spinose on both margins; U 3 ramus and T densely beset with spines.................................................. P. gorea n. sp. (2.5–3 mm) West Africa, Senegal

Within the present material from the Red Sea, I found a stenothoid with Gn 1 similarly long as but wider than Gn 2:


Published as part of Krapp-Schickel, Traudl, 2015, Minute but constant morphological differences within members of Stenothoidae: the Stenothoe gallensis group with four new members, keys to Stenothoe worldwide, a new species of Parametopa and Sudanea n. gen. (Crustacea: Amphipoda), pp. 2309-2377 in Journal of Natural History 49 (37) on pages 2365-2368, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2015.1021873,


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Additional details


Collection code
Material sample ID
MVRCr 7671
Scientific name authorship
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
Taxonomic concept label
Parametopa gorea Krapp-Schickel, 2015


  • Just J. 1980. Amphipoda (Crustacea) of the Thule area, northwest Greenland: faunistics and taxonomy. Medd Gronland Biosc. 2: 1 - 61.
  • Chevreux E. 1901. Amphipodes recueiilis par la Melita sur les cote occidentale et meridionale de Corse. Ass Franc Avanc Sci Congres d' Ajaccio. 30: 692 - 700.
  • Holmes SJ. 1904. Amphipod crustaceans of the expedition. Harriman Alaska Exp. 10: 233 - 246.