Published November 27, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Saphobranchia Chamberlin 1919


Key to species of Saphobranchia Chamberlin, 1919 reinstated

(Modified from Salazar-Vallejo & Buzhinskaja 2011)

1 Body tunic without sand particles, or with a few sand and fine particles.......................................... 2

– Body tunic with sand particles; median chaetigers with 7–8 notochaetae per bundle; neurochaetae with long articles distally.................................................................................................... 7

2(1) Median chaetigers with notochaetae as long as body width; papillae very long, single; neurochaetal tips falcate (body often reddish)................................................. S. hirsuta (Hansen, 1882) n. comb. Arctic and subarctic

– Median chaetigers with notochaetae longer than body width................................................... 3

3(2) Median neurochaetae with distal articles barely longer than wide, tips straight; gonopodial lobes present................ 4

– Median neurochaetae with most articles markedly longer than wide; no gonopodial lobes............................ 5

4(3) Gonopodial lobes dark (papillae core and tip blackish); body papillae thick, digitate (body often grayish)..................................................................... S. normani (McIntosh, 1908) n. comb. Arctic and subarctic

– Gonopodial lobes pale; body papillae thin, filiform (body often pale)..................................................................................................... S. longisetosa (von Marenzeller, 1890) Gulf of Alaska

5(3) Median chaetigers with neurochaetal tips falcate............................................................. 6

– Median chaetigers with neurochaetal tips straight, non-falcate.................. S. omorpha n. sp. Central eastern Pacific

6(5) Median chaetigers neurochaetae with basal anchylosed region 1/2–1/3 chaetal length, medial and distal regions with articles 4–5 times longer than wide, barely shorter with a very slight reduction distally......... S. ilys n. sp. Central eastern Pacific

– Median chaetigers neurochaetae with basal anchylosed region 1/5–1/6 chaetal length, medial and distal regions with articles about twice longer than wide, progressively smaller.......... S. micans (Fauchald, 1972) n. comb. Central eastern Pacific

7(1) Neurochaetal tips falcate............................................................................... 8

– Neurochaetal tips straight............................................................................... 9

8(7) Median chaetigers with notochaetae half as long as body width; median neuropodia with five neurochaetae per bundle; body wall and chaetae yellowish...................................... S. acafi (Teixeira, Rizzo & Santos, 2015) n. comb.

– Median chaetigers with notochaetae slightly longer than body width; median neuropodia with eight neurochaetae per bundle; body wall and chaetae cinnamon in colour................................... S. canela n. sp. Central eastern Pacific

9(7) Sand particles restricted to the bases of papillae; neurochaetae with anchylosed region about 1/5 chaetal length........................................................... S. octobranchia (Hartman, 1965) n. comb. Northwestern Atlantic

– Sand particles fixed along the papillae; neurochaetae with anchylosed region 1/2–1/3 chaetal length................................................................................................. Saphobranchia sp. Antarctica


Published as part of Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio I., 2020, Four new deep-water flabelligerid species from Pacific Costa Rica (Annelida Sedentaria, Flabelligeridae), pp. 560-578 in Zootaxa 4885 (4) on pages 567-568, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4885.4.6,


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Saphobranchia Chamberlin, 1919 sec. Salazar-Vallejo, 2020


  • Chamberlin, R. V. (1919) The Annelida Polychaeta of the Albatross Tropical Pacific Expedition, 1891 - 1905. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard College, 48, 1 - 514.
  • Salazar-Vallejo, S. I. & Buzhinskaja, G. (2011) Revision of Diplocirrus Haase, 1915, including Bradiella Rullier, 1965, and Diversibranchus Buzhinskaja, 1993 (Polychaeta, Flabelligeridae). ZooKeys, 106, 1 - 45. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 106.795
  • Hansen, A. (1882) The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition 1876 - 1878, VII. Zoology, Annelida, Christiania, 54 pp.
  • McIntosh, W. C. (1908) Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews, 30: 1. On the stranding of an adult female Mesoplodon bidens, Sowerby, at St. Andrews; 2. On an abnormal plaice with a precaudal fin-frill on the left side; 3. On Orthogoriscus mola, Bl.; 4. On the British Sphaerodoridae, Chloraemidae, and Chaetopteridae; 5. On the same families dredged in the ' Porcupine' expeditions of 1869 and 1870; 6. On the foregoing families dredged in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada, by Dr. Whiteaves; 7. On the same families dredged in Norwegian waters and in Finmark by Canon Norman. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 8, 2, 524 - 545.
  • von Marenzeller, E. (1890) Annulaten des Beringmeeres. Annalen des Kaiserliche Naturhistorische Hofmusem, Wien, 5, 1 - 18.
  • Fauchald, K. (1972) Benthic polychaetous annelids from deep waters off Western Mexico and adjacent areas in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. Allan Hancock Monographs in Marine Biology, 7, 1 - 575.
  • Teixeira, J. H., Rizzo, A. E. & Santos, C. S. G. (2015) Three new species of Diplocirrus Haase, 1915 (Polychaeta: Flabelligeridae) from Campos Basin in SE Brazil. Zootaxa, 4027, 287 - 295. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4027.2.8
  • Hartman, O. (1965) Deep-water benthic polychaetous annelids off New England to Bermuda and other North Atlantic areas. Allan Hancock Occasional Papers, 28, 1 - 378.