Published December 3, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Paracineta saifulae

  • 1. Crescent International School, Bario, Govindpur, Dhanbad 828109, Jharkhand, India.
  • 2. A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2, Nakhimov ave., Sevastopol, 299011, Russia. dovgal- 1954 @ mail. ru; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 3876 - 233 X
  • 3. Departmento de Zoologia, Centro de Biociências, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Av. Prof. Moraes Rego 1235, Cidade Universitaria, 50670 - 901 Recife, PE, Brazil.
  • 4. CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa, 403004, India.


Paracineta saifulae (Mereschkowsky, 1877)

(Fig. 3C, 3 D-1, 4 A, B)

Brief description: Marine, loricate suctorian with elongate, some asymmetric body, only the bottom half of which cover by stylotheca. The conical stylotheca grades into thin, long pseudostyle, which is 3–4 times the lorica length. The conical part of the stylotheca often have thickened walls, the peculiar bed for body forms as a result. Stylotheca surface crenulated with three to many transverse striations. Capitate tentacles sometimes retractile, evenly distributed at the anterior surface of body. Macronucleus spherical. There is one contractile vacuole.

Measurements (in μm, based on three individuals): Stylotheca length 20–56 (65 after Mereschkowsky 1877); stylotheca width 24–37 (up to 27 after Mereschkowsky 1877); pseudostyle length 59–269; pseudostyle diameter 3–5; body length 33–61; body width 23–26; macronucleus dimensions 11×16.

Remarks: This species was described under name Acineta saifulae by Mereschkowsky (1877) from Onega Bay of the White Sea near the Rem (Russia) on the hydroid Opercularella grigoriewi (Mereschkowsky, 1878). Curds (1987) synonymized A. saifulae with Acineta crenata Fraipont 1878, a species independently described by Fraipont (1878) on the hydroid Campanula riavolubilis (Linnaeus, 1758) from Belgian coast of the Northern Sea near Ostend. On the basis that the name Acineta saifulae was published earlier (in 1877) than the name Acineta crenata (in 1878), Dovgal (2002) concluded that the Paracineta saifulae must be considered as senior synonym.

The species was also early mentioned by Collin (1912) under name Paracineta crenata, reported from French coast of the Mediterranean Sea near Sète on hydroid Leuckartia raoctona (Fleming, 1823) and polychaete Aphrodite aculeata Linnaeus, 1761.

Paracineta saifulae was also reported in the Black Sea near Bulgarian coast and in Russian coast near Gelendzhik on artificial substrates (glass slides) (Dovgal 2013).

The ciliate Paracineta saifulae was attached on stalk (Fig. 3C) as well on zooidal dilatations (3D-1) of Triticella pedicellata. This is the first record of this species from the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean.


Published as part of Chatterjee, Tapas, Dovgal, Igor, Vieira, Leandro M., Dutta, Arpita & Nanajkar, Mandar, 2020, Report of ciliate-bryozoan-crustacean hyperepibiosis on crab (Decapoda Brachyura) from west coast of India, Arabian Sea, pp. 347-360 in Zootaxa 4890 (3) on pages 351-352, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4890.3.3,


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  • Mereschkowsky, C. (1877) Studies on the Protozoa of Northern Russia. Travaux de la Societe des naturalistes de St. - Petersbourg, 8 (3), 203 - 385. [in Russian]
  • Curds, C. R. (1987) A revision of Suctoria (Ciliophora, Kinetofragminofora). 5. The Paracineta and Corynophrya problem. Bulletin of British Museum (Natural History). Zoology series, 52, 71 - 106.
  • Fraipont, J. (1878) Recherches sur les Acinetiens de la cote d'Ostende. Bulletin de l'Academie (r.) des sciences des lettres et des beaux arte de Belgique, 45, 247 - 297.
  • Dovgal, I. V. (2002) Evolution, phylogeny and classification of Suctorea (Ciliophora). Protistology, 24, 194 - 270.
  • Collin, B. (1912) Etudes monographiques sur les Acinetiens. 2. Morphologie, physiologie, systematique. Archives De Zoologie Experimentale Et Generale, 51, 1 - 457.
  • Dovgal, I. V. (2013) Fauna of Ukraine. Vol. 36. Ciliates-Ciliophora. Issue 1. Class Suctorea. Naukova dumka, Kiev, 267 pp.