Published December 16, 2020 | Version 1.0
Dataset Restricted

air quality impacts in Western Balkans

  • 1. Eurpean Commission, JRC
  • 2. IIASA


The dataset includes the impacts of air pollution on human health (mortality), agricultural yields and climate between 2020 and 2050. The impacts were estimated with the TM5-FASST model (Van Dingenen et al., 2018) on the basis of the Eclipse  scenarios (



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This dataset is associated with a manuscript under review in the journal Environment International. If/when the manuscript is accepted for publication the dataset will become open access.

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  • Van Dingenen, R., Dentener, F., Crippa, M., Leitao, J., Marmer, E., Rao, S., Solazzo, E., Valentini, L., 2018. TM5-FASST: a global atmospheric source–receptor model for rapid impact analysis of emission changes on air quality and short-lived climate pollutants. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 18, 16173-16211.