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Published December 14, 2020 | Version v1
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Quality of life of patients with surgical treatment of abdominal hernias

  • 1. Vinnitsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University


Lutkovskyi Ruslan. Quality of life of patients with surgical treatment of abdominal hernias. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2020;10(12):118-124. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI





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Received: 09.11.2020. Revised: 25.11.2020. Accepted: 14.12.2020.



UDК: 616-007.43-089:008.1


Quality of life of patients with surgical treatment of abdominal hernias


Ruslan Lutkovskyi


Vinnitsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Ukraine

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of General Surgery



Aim – to analyze the quality of life (QOL) of patients in the surgical treatment of abdominal hernias using nanomodified polypropylene mesh.

Materials and methods. An analysis of the quality of life of patients in the surgical treatment of abdominal hernias for the period from 2015 to 2020. 700 patients with abdominal hernias aged 30 to 75 years in which performed alloplasty. There were 386 women (55.1%) and 314 men (44.9%). Concomitant pathology was detected in 85.6% of patients. It should be noted that the majority (64.8%) had cardiovascular pathology and 80 patients suffered from grade II - III alimentary obesity.

Results and discussion. The results of surgical treatment of abdominal hernias in patients of the main group and the comparison group were evaluated by analyzing the quality of life according to the SF - 36 questionnaire.

The difference in quality of life in patients of the main group a year after hernioplasty compared with those in hospitalization, statistically significant (P<0,01). The rate of FF increased 1.2 times compared with hospitalization, RF 1.8 times, PF - 1.1 times, GH - 1.4 times, VA - 1.7 times, SF - 1.9 times, RA - 3.1 times, MH - 1.6 times. The quality of life index (QLI) increased by 59.6% compared to the initial one, ie by more than half.

The difference in quality of life in patients of the main group 2 years after hernioplasty compared with those in hospitalization, statistically significant (P<0,01). The index of FF increased 1.7 times compared with the indicator at hospitalization, RF 2.5 times, PF - 1.5 times, GH - 2.0 times, VA - 2.2 times, SF - 2.4 times, RA - 4.1 times, MH - 1.8 times. The quality of life index (QLI) increased by 109.2% compared to the initial one, ie by more than half.

When comparing the QOL at hospitalization and after 24 months. after hernioplasty in patients of the comparison group not only there is no significant difference in the indicators of FF, RF, PF, GH, SF and VA, but it should be noted that the indicators of MH and RA, which had a negative dynamics, the quality of life of patients in the comparison group even deteriorated. QLI increased by 10.0% compared with hospitalization. The difference in quality of life in patients of the comparison group at hospitalization and after 24 months. after surgery did not reach the level of statistical significance (P<0,001).

The difference in QLI in patients of the main group after 24 months. after hernioplasty compared with this indicator of QLI in patients of the comparison group is statistically significant (P<0,05).

Conclusions. It was found that in patients who were implanted during surgery with a nanomodified mesh implant with the antiseptic polyhexamethylene guanidine chloride QLI was 2.1 times higher than in hospitalization and 1.8 times higher than in patients of the comparison group. Therefore, it is possible to recognize the effectiveness of surgical treatment of abdominal hernias using nanomodified polypropylene mesh made of polyhexamethylene guanidine chloride, given the indicators of QOL in the postoperative period.

Key words: abdominal hernia; nanomodified polypropylene mesh; postoperative wound complications; quality of life.



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