There is a newer version of the record available.

Published December 13, 2020 | Version v0.11.2
Software Open

JuliaPlots/Makie.jl: v0.11.2

  • 1. @beacon-biosignals
  • 2. Courant Institute of Mathematical Science
  • 3. GLOBE Institute
  • 4. University of Gothenburg and Chalmers Technical University
  • 5. Samsung Electronics
  • 6. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • 7. The Julia Language
  • 8. Anatomist
  • 9. Washington University in St. Louis
  • 10. ICTEAM, UCL
  • 11. Rehappy GmbH
  • 12. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
  • 13. Universität Siegen
  • 14. National University of Quilmes
  • 15. MIT Media Lab
  • 16. AWS
  • 17. Lobachevsky University


Makie v0.11.2

Diff since v0.11.1

Closed issues:

  • support delete!(::Scene, ::Scene) (#58)
  • Legends inside and outside of the plot (#61)
  • test failures on Ubuntu (#247)
  • What's missing (#490)
  • Error: ]add GLMakie (Julia 1.2.0) (#486)
  • Better defaults for 3D interaction (#539)
  • macOS window positioning (#485)
  • AbstractPlotting and DataFrames both export transform! (#589)
  • Volume errors if data is not a "cube" (#659)
  • Unexpected differences between GLMakie and CairoMakie (#666)
  • GLMakie window dies (#668)
  • AssertionError: status == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE (#671)
  • bug: "squiggly" renders (axes + plot) (#676)
  • Stretched Glyphs when plotting (GLMakie, CairoMakie is fine) (#677)
  • mesh with empty input throws an error (#679)
  • pixel-perfect image visualization (#680)
  • [GLMakie] High CPU usage when zooming or panning (#681)
  • poly fails for GeometryBasics polygon [GB error] (#684)
  • ERROR: MethodError: no method matching backend_display(::WGLMakie.WGLBackend, ::Scene) (#687)
  • Arrowheads have a zoom-dependent outline (#688)
  • saved html relies on running julia instance (#691)
  • program 34 not linked (GLMakie rendering of particles for meshscatter?) (#692)
  • Add MakieLayout section to Makie docs (#694)
  • VScode lacks the dropdown trees like Juno (#697)
  • GLMakie fails to build (#699)
  • VulkanMakie? (#700)
  • Error with propertynames(layout::GridLayout) (#701)
  • mouse_selection / pick returns an incorrect index if the plot has more than 65535 points (#703)
  • AbstractPlotting.pick(screen::Screen, rect::IRect2D) always throws an error (with GLMakie) (#704)
  • Feature request: support using WGL backend without requring GLMakie to successfully build (#708)
  • [AbstractPlotting] scatter allows NamedDimsArray as attributes, poly doesn't (#709)
  • OpenGL/GLFW error building GLMakie (#712)
  • Plotting views shows an extra point at (0, 0) (#715)
  • Multiple windows (#719)
  • GLMakie and hybrid Nvidia graphics in Ubuntu (#723)
  • Memory leak when creating plots (#726)
  • Axes can disappear while zooming (#727)
  • Zoom selection isn't working (#728)
  • Let LAxis title be "" (#731)
  • Zooming in plots with custom ticks (#732)
  • "3D Contour with 2D contour slices" draw ordering issue (#733)
  • using mapslices to contruct vector of Points2f0 (#734)
  • Restrict horizontal/vertical zoom for selection rectangle? (#738)
  • EGL support for GLMakie on Wayland systems? (#739)
  • New release breaks delete! functionnality (#740)
  • heatmap and contour plots with 2D x, y arguments? (#742)
  • Plotting Legends in meshes (#747)
  • How to get the state of a keyboard key? (#749)
  • 2D Arrow head rotation looks odd (#753)
  • Axis Label Text rotation is off (#754)
  • rug plot (#760)
  • Two-argument form of errorbars() (#763)
  • No legendelements for barplot (#765)
  • Makie not using hardware driver with VirtualGL (#767)
  • Setting aspect ratio for a surface plot (#768)
  • Use GLFW Artifact in GLMakie? (#775)
  • Plot functions on changing meshes (#778)
  • layoutscene not available (#779)
  • Installation of Makie stuck (#781)
  • Supressing axes (decorations) on heatmaps (#783)

Merged pull requests:

  • Correct typo in comment (#746) (@eschnett)



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