Published December 11, 2020 | Version v1
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Coupled multilayer canopy-permafrost model (CryoGrid) for the use in permafrost underlain boreal forests.

  • 1. Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Telegrafenberg A45, 14473 Potsdam, Germany
  • 2. Institute of Natural Sciences, North-Eastern Federal University of Yakutsk, Belinskogo str. 58, 677000 Yakutsk, Russia
  • 3. Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Sem Sælands vei 1, 0316 Oslo, Norway


CryoGrid is a land-surface scheme dedicated to modeling of ground temperatures in permafrost environments. Here, the one-dimensional land surface model (CryoGrid) is adapted for the application in vegetated areas by coupling a multilayer canopy model (CLM-ml v0). This model setup is used to reproduce the energy transfer and thermal regime at a study site in mixed boreal forest in Eastern Siberia. The vegetation module forms the upper boundary layer of the coupled vegetation-permafrost model and replaces the surface energy balance equation used for common CryoGrid representations. The model is described in the following article which has been published in Biogeosciences: Stuenzi, S. M., Boike, J., Cable, W., Herzschuh, U., Kruse, S., Pestryakova, L. A., Schneider von Deimling, T., Westermann, S., Zakharov, E. S., and Langer, M.: Variability of the surface energy balance in permafrost-underlain boreal forest, Biogeosciences, 18, 343–365,, 2021.

The parameters are set to the default values that were used for the simulations in the article. Parameters different from the default values can be specified in the main script main.m (general parameters, run number, etc.) and in the excel table \results\test_oldCG_334\ test_oldCG_334.xlsx (run-specific parameters).

To start the program, run the script main.m. The default output directory is .\results\.

Further updates to the model code can be found here:

Updates and documentation of the Permafrost model CryoGrid can be found here: The model is further described in this publication: Westermann, S., Langer, M., Boike, J., Heikenfeld, M., Peter, M., Etzelmüller, B., & Krinner, G. (2016). Simulating the thermal regime and thaw processes of ice-rich permafrost ground with the land-surface model CryoGrid 3. Geosci. Model Dev., 9(2), 523–546.

The multilayer canopy model was first published by Bonan et al. (2018): Modeling canopy-induced turbulence in the Earth system: a unified parameterization of turbulent exchange within plant canopies and the roughness sublayer (CLM-ml v0) ( 



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Journal article: 10.5194/bg-2020-201 (DOI)
Dataset: 10.1594/PANGAEA.919859 (DOI)
Dataset: 10.1594/PANGAEA.914327 (DOI)


GlacialLegacy – Glacial Legacy on the establishment of evergreen vs. summergreen boreal forests 772852
European Commission


  • Stuenzi et al. (2021): Variability of the Surface Energy Balance in Permafrost Underlain Boreal Forest (DOI: 10.5194/bg-2020-201)
  • Bonan et al. (2018): Modeling canopy-induced turbulence in the Earth system: a unified parameterization of turbulent exchange within plant canopies and the roughness sublayer (CLM-ml v0) (DOI: 10.5194/gmd-11-1467-2018)
  • Westermann et al. (2013): Transient thermal modeling of permafrost conditions in Southern Norway (DOI: 10.5194/tc-7-719-2013)