Published September 23, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

هدايات تشريعيّة لأحكام الأطعمة في ظلال سورة المائدة: دراسة تفسيرية موضوعية Legislative Guidance on Foods Provisions: An objective explanatory study

  • 1. Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Al-Madinah International University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (MEDIU)


This research aims at shedding some  light on the most crucial Syariah guidance relating to the consumption of alāl food based on selected verses in Sūrat Al-Mā’idah in order to create awareness among the Muslims regarding the provisions of foods that are permissible and forbidden. However it is noted that some Muslims who are less concerned about their religious values do not bother eating in such foreign food chains or restaurants and never questioned whether the food served is alāl or arām. Such a behaviour clearly contradicts the Quranic guidance in ascertaining the status of alāl on the food served. The discussion is also expected to benefit the international and domestic food companies with a greater concern on Syariah requirements on food handling from production to marketing and from preparation to serving. This research employs inductive method in tracing the verses of Qur’ān that indicate provisions of foods in Sūrat Al-Mā’idah and their explanations (exegesis) based on the authentic books of Tafsir and Prophetic Tradition (Sunnah). The author has discovered fourteen important findings of Syariah guidance related to the consumption of food and divided into general and special guidance, and has discussed them in this paper. Finally, the study recommended activating these legislative guidelines in Muslims daily life, and circulating them to the alāl centers and their international laboratories which promote the standards of alāl food.


هدايات تشريعيّة لأحكام الأطعمة في ظلال سورة المائدة دراسة تفسيرية موضوعية.pdf